Tiernan's Blog / Latest News


Its around that time of the year once again, when I get hayfever. As soon as the sun starts shining and the plants all start appearing and having a crazy fun flower time my face joins in the fun by slowly falling apart. My nose refuses to do anything useful and just blocks up like […]

Now You Got The Juice

Its a pretty lovely day today, and I, for the first time in ages, am without a gig on a Saturday. There is part of me that find this terrifying. I’m not used to gigless Saturdays and I’m not quite sure what to do without one. I had one in, but it got cancelled so […]


I’ve lost my i-pod. I don’t know if its properly lost or just somewhere I haven’t looked for it yet which is also possible. I haven’t yet asked Layla to look for it which means its highly likely its somewhere obvious. Layla is like an object finding magnet. I can spend literally hours looking for […]

Social Reaper

What seems to happen if I don’t have gigs for a few days is that I get coerced into socialising at events that I would normally avoid by being busy. I then like to combine these events with seeing friends that I haven’t seen in ages and as a result end up like a social […]

Vanilla Activist

Its amazing how concerned the news is with Michelle Obama’s shoes rather than the important decisions that are being made inside the G20. I don’t think the colour of her high heels is really going to have much impact on the financial or environmental climate, unless they going to be thrown at Brown. I’m currently […]

Small Trouble in Little China (Town)

I had planned to make something nice for dinner yesterday. Planned is perhaps a slightly strong word for deciding that I might consider cooking up something considering it was my night off. I stupidly mentioned this to Layla and at numerous times during the day was then reminded about my culinary duties. I had to […]

Comedy for Two Please

I have very little to do today. I am ignoring my show that I have to write, general other writing stuff, annoying promoters for gigs, and doing the much overdue washing up that is piling up quicker than a crash on the M25. Other than all that stuff, that loads and loads of stuff, I […]

Lost Time

I hate knowing that somewhere in the night an hour went missing. It happened on my way home. At one point I looked at my phone and it said 00.43. Then stuck at traffic lights half an hour later, I checked again and it was suddenly 2am. I had forgotten that is was the night […]

Men Swear

Rush hour hasn’t been an hour for a very long time. Its really about time they changed the name, especially on a Friday, to something more appropriate, like Stupidly Long Traffic Day. On most weekdays it starts about 3.30ish when hordes of parents unnecessarily drive around the corner to pick up their kids in their […]

Indecent Proposals

I have to do one of those odd gigs today. Occasionally you agree to do things that you know will be not fun, but the lure of some cash and the challenge make all logic and self care non-important. I imagine its how those people years ago on the Word felt when they did anything […]