Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

The Full Package

Just returned from my follow-up orthotics appointment. I found out 5 months ago that my calf muscles were too tight for my legs. This is the first time ever I have been told I have tight muscles and I always had the lofty idea that when that would happen it would be said by a […]

Epsom Downs

Have you ever had something described to you that sounded like a great idea and then in reality it was the most horrific opposite you could imagine? Like the year me and Layla went to Turkey to a ‘idyllic white sand beach in a quiet area’ only to find its not so quiet with several […]

Fan Hater

Our new sofa is amazing. I am finally getting to spend some quality time with it today and I think things are going to work out just fine. Obviously like any relationship, there is going to have to be some give. Mainly on the sofa’s side. Its so bouncy right now that I have to […]

Between 8 and 5

The sofa men are coming today. They are bringing our comfy new sofa and putting it in our living room so I can sit on it. I am looking forward to the new item of comfort being introduced into the flat, but I am a tad miffed that my entire day must be spent indoors […]


I am about to saw our sofa in half. I can’t tell you how excited I am about doing that. Its another notch on manly things I have done, alongside putting up some shelves incorrectly, blowing all the electrical circuitry by putting a light in wrongly and snoring. While I like trying to be all […]

Sickness and Sunshine

I should really go outside today. I haven’t got a reason to go outside but there is the innate British part of me that is saying I must see a bit of the sunshine. I saw it yesterday, lots of people parading around in shorts and t-shirts as though it was the height of summer. […]

New Gags, Student and Comedy Vehicles

Hooray real comedy is back on the tellybox! I hope you enjoyed Stewart Lee’s Comedy Vehicle as much as I did. It was as funny as I hoped it would be and watching it was like a breath of fresh comedy air. I didn’t love all the sketches but Stew’s stand-up was brilliant. He did […]

More Sleep Please

Bloody hell, how good is sleep? I had some of that last night and think I might have to have more at some point soon. Not sure what I like most about it yet, whether its the bit when you sleep or the bit when you wake up decide you’re still knackered from Glasgow and […]

Glasgow Part 2 and 3 Abridged

This is the first computer I’ve managed to get to all day for blogging purposes. There was a computer in our hotel lobby but its advertisement as ‘high speed’ was a lie. It perhaps was high speed in the 1980’s, but after typing two paragraphs and watching them slowly appear in front of me over […]

Glasgow Part 1

Not feeling too well today, which is all self inflicted. You know that your life has hit an all time low when you find yourself in a Gala Casino at 5.30am drinking whiskey that tastes as thought it’s been distilled in a urinal. It’s amazing how in a city such as Glasgow the only establishment […]