Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

More Sleep Please

Bloody hell, how good is sleep? I had some of that last night and think I might have to have more at some point soon. Not sure what I like most about it yet, whether its the bit when you sleep or the bit when you wake up decide you’re still knackered from Glasgow and […]

Glasgow Part 2 and 3 Abridged

This is the first computer I’ve managed to get to all day for blogging purposes. There was a computer in our hotel lobby but its advertisement as ‘high speed’ was a lie. It perhaps was high speed in the 1980’s, but after typing two paragraphs and watching them slowly appear in front of me over […]

Glasgow Part 1

Not feeling too well today, which is all self inflicted. You know that your life has hit an all time low when you find yourself in a Gala Casino at 5.30am drinking whiskey that tastes as thought it’s been distilled in a urinal. It’s amazing how in a city such as Glasgow the only establishment […]

Hopefully You’ll Be Funny

I embark on my weekend in Glasgow in about 4 hours. I did want to get the train to help the planet and all that but earth saving costs twice as much as destroying it so I’m sadly making my carbon footprint the size of a yeti’s shoe and taking Easyjet. I like taking Easyjet […]

Death Bus 5000

I’ve just got home after taking a bus that I didn’t check where it was going and only had a vague idea it would get somewhere near me. It did it ended up at the end of my road. I feel pretty proud at having taken such a mega risk. I mean it wasn’t that […]

The Future is Multi-tasking

I have accidentally had a mid-day pint today which has thrown everything else I was meant to do off-kilter. I was having a meeting with Suze who has been responsible for our awesome Tea and Cake posters in previous times, and discussing what to do for my Ed show posters this year. I am adamant […]

Information Overload

Today is a day of doing things. So far I have managed to do somethings and not others but other have to get done and then I will go all the way to Anglia Ruskin University which is the Cambridge Uni for students who aren’t as clever/stuck up their own rich arse. I have to […]

Way Past Blog Time

This blog is stupidly late. Really stupidly late. It was meant to be done at 10am this morning, but stuff happened. Nearly all stuff happened because I stayed in bed longer than I should, didn’t do stuff last night and then couldn’t leave the pub because Chris Coltrane is too persuasive with his lack-of-debt money […]

The Longest Day Of My Life

Today is all about some spring cleaning followed by going to see Watchmen. I’m not massively happy about the first bit but I like the end result so as long as I can avoid all the bits I hate doing – hoovering, cleaning the loo, washing up, cleaning anything – then I’ll be able to […]

Here’s one I prepared earlier…

Two gigs today, and the first one is Comedy 4 Kids which starts at 2pm meaning I have to leave at 11am. Rather than get up earlier to blog, this entry, in the Blue Peter sense, has been prepared earlier. About 9 hours earlier in fact, so in less eloquent terms, this verbal spew is […]