Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

3rd The One With The Hairy Chest

Remember that lack of willpower I wrote about yesterday? Well it danced into play once again and consequently I feel a bit crap today. Part of it is my inability to say no to being bought a drink and the other part is my liver, which seems to have completely given up on dealing with […]

Will Powerless

I had some fairly good intentions to go jogging this morning. I spent most of last week and the weekend deciding that today would be the day that I threw my currently unhealthy lifestyle in the bin of history and went for a well paced jog. Then I spent all of last night fighting with […]

Leeds 1 of 3

Layla gets back today. I should probably do stuff like clean up and things. I don’t like that this is what’s meant to happen. She has been away on a fun weekend while I have been working, yet I am still expected to clean up. If she hadn’t gone away we probably wouldn’t have cleaned […]

Following Leeds

I am finding being home alone not at all dissimilar to the film of the same name, only sans burglars, Joe Pesci, a old pigeon lady and that wanker Macaulay Culkin. In fact its nothing like that film, except for actually being home alone. I haven’t even shaved. Even though I should because my face has reached […]

Limited Freedom

Layla goes away on her friend’s hen weekend today. She will be in Amsterdam until Sunday leaving me on my lonesome for two whole days. This of course opens up a realm of possibilities as to what I can do over the weekend. Mad partying across the capital? Severe mayhem with friends? Watching all of […]

Comedy 4 Devil Kids

I didn’t realise until the other day that more people read this blog than I thought. While that’s really nice on one level (ie my ego), the downside of it is that I am slowly running out of conversations with some of the readers as they already know everything I’m going to say. This has […]

Problem Children

I’ve got Comedy 4 Kids to do today. I finally reached a point with Comedy 4 Kids gigs a year ago when they no longer phased me. I had my full repertoire of ‘bum’, ‘wee’ and ‘fart’ gags all ready to make small people laugh. But, and this is a big but (thats not a […]

Sofa So Good

I have to go to DFS in a minute and so might take ages over this blog just to delay inevitable arguments about sofas. There is something so mind-numbingly dull about selecting home furnishings that attacks my brain and makes me miserable about doing it. Worse still, we have to go to the DFS in […]

Leicester Comedy Festival part 2.

Its odd how gigs can be so different in audience and quality despite being only 45 minutes apart. Yesterday I had one solo preview to 15 lovely people in Leicester above an Indian restaurant, then one set supporting Tony Lee again to 300 massively stupid dick heads at Uni College Birmingham, a venue where ‘they […]

Two Shows Douieb

This blog will be a bit brief today. Not because I have nothing to say but because I have my solo show at the Leicester Comedy Festival this afternoon and I haven’t really changed anything to it since last week. Better late than never as they say, and clearly those that say that are people […]