Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

Love Is…

As much as I hate the Valentine’s Day frenzy of crappy cards and pressure to spread love on the 14th February, being woken up this morning with a nice breakfast and a card was pretty lovely. I’m in a very good mood because of it, and the only worry is that I may be grumpy […]

Leicester Comedy Festival Part 1

Its Friday the 13th today. So far nothing particularly unlucky has happened to me today unless you count not having had enough sleep on account of Rosie (one of my cats) mieowing in my face repeatedly until I got up. She didn’t even want feeding, she was just being evil. I managed to get 30 […]

Mission Updates, Sore Throats and Compliments

Lets reveal all on Tuesday’s mission right now. Firstly this is what we were up to:  http://bit.ly/YKOPM I took lots of pictures too, but Jess is a proper photographer and so its best you just look at hers instead of mine which look a bit like they’ve been taken by someone with big thumbs and […]


When I’m not gigging I like to complain about how I don’t have enough gigs and how broke I am etc. When I am gigging loads I seem to like to complain about lots of other factors, like lack of days off, and the fact that I’m somehow still broke. Ultimately it comes down to […]

Secret and Not So Secret Missions

Very late blogging today, which is mostly because since this morning I have been on a mission for Mark Thomas. Can’t really say much about it yet, but lets just say it involved phoneboxes, lude cards, Westminster and the recent ‘Peer for Hire’ scandal. I am now very cold and never want to touch blu-tack […]


If there was a way to type in childish song then I would repeatedly type ‘I’ve done a full show’ lots on this blog. It all went much better than I thought it would and people said nice things, including some people who had turned up of their own accord and hadn’t been harassed on facebook or […]

My 1st Show by Tiernan

Its my first showing of my first show tonight. There has to be a first for everything apparently and I’m looking to tonight’s show with excitement and absolute fear. I think I cracked what its all about yesterday and have written so many new bits for it this week that I’m proud of so hopefully it’ll resemble […]

Snow Is A Loser

You how that snow keeps going on about how its ruining everything and how its the big snow on campus and all that? Well last night snow took it in the face as I drove myself and Juliet Myers all the way from London into the snowy depths of Bristol and back and we didn’t […]

Caring Folk

I’m not sure what goes through the minds of University Ents officers when they book in a comedy night, but using last night’s gig as an example it seems as though their thoughts were ‘lets waste some comedians time, and not give a shit’. This doesn’t generally seem to be the mind set of a […]


Somewhere between 3pm and 4pm yesterday I got a cold. I’m not quite sure what happened but it snuck up on me and made me sneeze my whole journey to Stafford last night. I don’t sneezing while driving. It feels dangerous, as though in that split second of sneezing as I close my eyes I […]