Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

Money for Nothing

Tonight I am getting paid not to go to Hull. I’m sure many of you are thinking that this is massively unfair, especially as you are not going to Hull either, but you are not being paid for that. It was looking forward to tonight’s gig at the uni and it would have been a […]

Lost Post

Our postman has only delivered mail once this week. On tuesday. That is all. I know there could be a perfectly reasonable explanation for this, including the possibility that we just have not had anything sent to us in ages. The problem with that theory is I know we have had loads of stuff sent to us. […]

The Generation Game

One of my favourite parts of gigging is journeying with people I like. Last night I drove me and Andrew O’Neill all the way to Stafford. We parlayed about many a topic from the state of the world all the way to bladder control, stopping halfway through for Andrew’s specialist subject of Norwegian Black Metal bands trying […]

Virtual Twittering

My website is finally up. I am very excited that I now have a virtual presence. I feel I am now in league with the rest of the world. It has lots of stuff on it too. Luckily other people have given me their opinion and the amount of stuff on it has become restrained. […]

No Funny Here

The problem with promising yourself you will write a daily blog is that sometimes, like today, my brain is so tired and vacant that there is little to write about. Nothing rubbish happened yesterday and in fact it was pretty good day overall, which sadly makes it very dull for everyone else to read about. […]

A New Era

Its a big day for the world today. The sort of day that heralds the dawn of a new era. Yes, thats right, its the return of Fat Tuesday tonight after our blissful four week hiatus. Its looks like it’ll be a sell out show and its a truly great line-up, but as usual I’m […]

Dog Shit and Ikea

I stepped in dog shit twice yesterday. Those who are believers of superstition might say that I have had two helpings of good luck. Those who are realists would say it is doubly as unlucky to step in dog shit twice on the same day. There is nothing lucky about stepping in dog shit. Luck […]

Death of a Legend

Not much to say today apart from being a bit sad at the death of Tony Hart. True he hadn’t been on telly for 8 years but his legacy of being able to create masterpieces by scribbling with a crayon on black paper and scratching bits off to make a picture and other such wonders […]

Edinburgh and/or Bust

Comedy people are already starting to talk about the Edinburgh festival even though it is not for another 7 and a half months. There are few things that are discussed quite as often on the circuit as the festival. August is spent at the fringe, with most conversations being about how its all going. September […]

Food Glorious Food

Last night my cousin, her boyfriend, me and Layla all went for a meal at a place called Jai Krishna in Stroud Green Road. Jai Krishna is a legendary vegetarian indian restaurant that has been rated as one of the best in London since the 60’s. Amazingly they have not changed the decor in nearly […]