Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

This Is The Longest Evening Of My Life

How amazing is it that 24 is back on? Last night using the illegal powers of the interweb I watched episodes 1 to 4 of the new season 7 and I can’t stop being hyped by it. Season 6 was pants but they have really brought it back with this new season. So far (no […]

Penguin Art

I was going to be in Wales today and now I’m not. Its definitely a bonus in some ways, especially as I am about to go to my friend Louis’ house for free soup. He’s making it, its not free in some cup-a-soup deal. Or at least I hope not. I get excited about soup. […]

Free Parking

Last night was a pretty good start to gigging again after my two weeks of slob. I was booked in for two gigs, but sadly the first one was cancelled due to the bleakness of a January monday. It seemed a nice venue too, but I was pleased it was pulled as I felt rusty […]

Back In The Game

I can’t believe the American’s booed Sasha Baron Cohen’s only decent joke last night. Watching Golden Globe footage this morning, the Madonna gag would’ve gone down a storm over here, even during this post Sachs comedy witch hunt. I have instantly lost a lot of respect for America’s shallow image based Hollywood scene. I had […]

Sunday Productive Sunday

I woke up this morning and wrote two new sketches and some jokes. I’m not sure what has spurred on such creativity but it could possibly be that today I am not hungover which helps everything. Maybe 28 is a creative age especially when not full of booze. The sudden motivation I have acquired is […]

Day Of Pain

Sorry for two brief blogs in a row, but predictably I am in massive amounts of hangover pain today. There were a number of things I was planning to do today and none of them were lying on the sofa holding my stomach and head and being a massively pathetic loser. I miss the days of youth […]

Happy Birthday To Me

I am older today. Getting older is a novelty that seems to wear off after being about 21. In reality, as soon as you turn 11 your body starts dying and shedding cells so its only really a happy birthday till you turn 11, then its just a countdown. I learnt that in science GCSE […]

Hair today

Its my birthday eve today. As a celebration for my last day of 27 years of age, I did the most adventurous thing I have done since Monday, which was leave the house. It was for a purpose too, which was to get my haircut as my barnet was starting to resemble something only seen […]

Taxing Times

My tax is due at the end of this month and its not ideal. Why would the government choose to ask for all your dosh straight after Christmas? Not only is it inconsiderate financially but also its a bit like saying ‘Enjoy Christmas did you? Well lets just ruin your new year asap to make […]

In From The Cold

I’m not leaving the house today. After opening the door just to retrieve the post I made the sensible decision that I don’t really fancy frostbite and will be staying indoors until it gets warmer or I am forced outside by to fetch food or other survival items. I watched the Diary of Anne Frank […]