Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

Real Men Don’t Eat Quiche

I’ve had a lot of quiche in the last few days. According to my friend Mat, real men don’t eat quiche. I disagree with this bold statement but I do feel that in order to verify my manliness while eating quiche I have to eat a rather large man-size portion of the stuff. Consequently I […]

Itchy Feet

Last night my girlfriend and I went for a nice dinner and evening with two of our friends. It was a top evening that involved several of my favourite things: beer, food, looking at Blu-Ray things on an HD TV, and playing Xbox with Terry while the girls talked about boring grown-up things like sofas, […]

Demonstrating and Doctors

I’ve just returned from the Stop Gaza Massacre demonstration in central London, hence the lateness of today’s blog. It was an incredible event, with the 55,000 people turn out proving that many are horrified at Israel’s barbaric attacks over the last week. We marched from Embankment to Trafalgar Square and then listened to some of […]

One Hundred O’ Clock

I am currently trawling the internet for somewhere to go on my birthday next week. Sadly for me, its on a Friday this year which means it’s going to be very difficult to find a venue that wont be filled with Friday wankers. I don’t like people that drink on a Friday. Two of my […]

Too Tousand and Nin

So its 2009 and already everyone seems to be predicting it ain’t gonna be a great year. Last night on the Hootenany every celebrity interviewed predicted doom and gloom, while even Michael Caine on the NYE messages to London said ‘This year I think what we really need is luck, so good luck everyone.’ Of […]

In 1942, I invented the shoe

It’s New Years Eve today, and does anyone give much of a fuck? It might just be age but I can no longer think of a worse way to spend my NYE than to pay hundreds of money for something that will never be as much fun as you want it to be, not get […]

Blog The First

I’ve spent the last five days in some sort of booze and food related stupor having consumed at least my own and several other large people’s body weights in nosh. In fact, if you are wondering where your own body weight in food has gone, its highly likely I’ve had it. Im sorry. When I […]