I recently got a part in an advert for an EA game, Bejewelled. Here’s the particularly strange ad featuring Lisa Ronaghan who’s great and a tiny performing Pomeranian dog, Jiff. https://youtu.be/lfMjoFiII6g
I recently got a part in an advert for an EA game, Bejewelled. Here’s the particularly strange ad featuring Lisa Ronaghan who’s great and a tiny performing Pomeranian dog, Jiff. https://youtu.be/lfMjoFiII6g
The excellent Wendy Wason interviewed me for her podcast ‘Words Of Wisdom’. I didn’t really have any but we had a lovely chat. iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/wendy-wasons-words-of-wisdom/id974328093?mt=2
I’m part of the BBC Comedy Classroom Live Lesson, happening at 11am on Thursday May 12th. Also on are Isy Suttie, Gemma Whelan and Jonny and Inel. It’s all hosted by Sara Cox and London Hughes. If you’re not at school, you can watch live online here: http://bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0376g8q
Live in Kent? Interested in the EU referendum? I’m part of this politician free panel in Whitstable on June 16th organised by the excellent people at simplepolitics.co.uk. There will be talk of Brexit, Bremain and most importantly, there is a bar. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-big-eu-debate-tickets-25322352839 Come and see how few facts I actually know!
Hello T-Folks It’s an exciting month with elections, the sort of weather that looks like it’ll make forecasters cry trying to work it out, and Star Wars day giving a valid reason to pun all day until everyone hates you*. I’m sure you’re all excited about all of those things.** There’s so much going on […]
These will probably have gone by the time I post this, but I’m supporting Frankie Boyle on a few work in progress shows he’s doing in London this and next week. They aren’t all up yet, but here’s the few for the Hen and Chickens in Islington. Grab them quick! https://www.unrestrictedview.co.uk/frankie-boyle-work-in-progress/
I’m on this week’s show where Hywell gives a sort of thesis on taste and we all discuss Better Call Saul. I’m on this podcast reasonably often, so you should probably subscribe really. https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/box-set-pod-boxset-podcast/id948417371?mt=2
If you fancy hearing me on a podcast that isn’t just me shouting about politics, have a listen to this. I was the guest on Samantha Baines fun Hoxton Radio show and we chatted about ape gods and all sorts of nonsense. https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/baines-plus-one/id1097045199?mt=2
Ep 11 is here: https://www.tiernandouieb.co.uk/podcast/partly-political-broadcast-episode-11-5th-april-2016/ Or on iTunes here: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/partly-political-broadcast/id1075342863?mt=2 Steel, Infrastructure Bill and a chat with Emily Kenway at the Living Wage Foundation! Subscribe, listen, share!
To get this sent direct to your inbox, sign up to my mailing list at www.tiernandouieb.co.uk ——————————————————————————————————— It’s April Fools! That is what Mr T likes to say when he checks his calendar. I want you to know that despite me sending this month’s email on April 1st everything you read in this is true*. […]