Tiernan's Blog / Latest News


I’ve been having to promote a lot of stuff lately. My own stuff that is, I haven’t given up and gone the full selling my soul and becoming a PR person just yet. In fact, while I know some excellent PR types, I decided a few years back that I’ve been doing what I do for […]

The Box Set Podcast

As is the law of podcasting, if you make one yourself, you suddenly find yourself on several others. So said someone clever, probably. This week I had a lot of fun being a guest on the Box Set Podcast, hosted by the very funny Hywel and Jamie ( @hywelandjamie) and also starring comedian Christian Talbot ( @thetall_bot) […]


Guten Tag T-Fans! I’ve been watching a lot of Deutschland ’83 and have now taken up the habit of throwing out random bits of the German I remember from GCSE. ‘Pferd’* is a good one. As is ‘ananas’**. Then adding ‘kopf’*** after any of those or other words seems to be quite satisfying too. I […]

Blog and Pod

This week’s new podcast is here: https://www.tiernandouieb.co.uk/podcast/partly-political-broadcast-episode-2-january-25th-2016/   And a new blog is here: https://www.tiernandouieb.co.uk/2016/01/january-doom/

January Doom

I’m having one of those times of year where I panic unnecessarily. I think it’s the sort of panic you only get with self employment, the sort that only comes after you plough through your diary for the foreseeable future and notice a distinct lack of work. Well, that’s not true. There is a lot […]

Partly Political Broadcast Podcast Episode 1

It’s finally here! Even troublesome wordpress issues couldn’t stop this episode from coming out (well actually, brilliant internet fixer James Hingley did that). This first episode is on Trident, housing and has an interview with junior doctor Keir Shiels. Please subscribe, listen and enjoy! iTunes: https://t.co/paPjOTPdEZ Non-iTunes: https://t.co/xbboErjYNd

Bonus T-Mail – Partly Political Broadcast

BONUS T-MAIL – Partly Political Broadcast Podcast Hello you Two emails from me in a month, what have you possibly done to deserve that? It’s ok, this is a just a brief heads up* about this: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/partly-political-broadcast/id1075342863 I loved making the youtube Partly Political videos with Ben Hilton but sadly time and money** got in […]

Partly Political Broadcast Returns!

The return of the Partly Political Broadcast! Get subscribing here and episode 1 should be with you next week! https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/partly-political-broadcast/id1075342863 You can also check the podcast page if you’re not an iTunes fan and stream it from there.

The Giles Fraser Game

Due to tweeting my sheer sadness at a Guardian think piece, and thanks to the very funny & quick photoshopping work of Tom Phillips (@Flashboy) the Giles Fraser game was created: https://storify.com/TiernanDouieb/the-giles-fraser-game    And it seems it’s a pretty popular game too! http://www.nme.com/blogs/nme-blogs/play-the-giles-fraser-game-to-show-this-confused-guardian-columnist-the-joy-of-bowies-music


Feeling a bit melancholy today after hearing about David Bowie’s passing. I, like so so many other, was a huge admirer of his work, his ability to transform himself and be unafraid of following his own paths. Driving to Yeovil yesterday, two out of the three hours were spent listening to BlackStar on a loop, […]