Tiernan's Blog / Latest News


After an old tweet of mine about ‘Guess Who?’ got RT’d, someone responded with a game they made up based on one of the characters. It made me laugh so much I thought I’d ask Twitter what games they’d made up with their friends. Cue much very funny silliness: https://storify.com/TiernanDouieb/madeupgames  


To get this emailed direct to your inbox every month, head to the subscribe link at the bottom of the page! ——————————————————————————————————— Happy New Year T-fans! Firstly, well done for making it this far. 2015 was a long year – about 365 days or something like that – with bits that were not great, some […]

2016 Predictions

Happy New Year to you and yours! Here’s a little list of 2016 predictions that I’ve made for the year ahead: https://storify.com/TiernanDouieb/2016predictions    

Tiernan Advent

As it’s Christmas I’ve been posting my own exciting advent everyday on my Twitter and Facebook page. If you haven’t seen them, here’s all 24. Have a very Merry Christmas!

Mocking Bannatyne

One of my tweets is in this i100 piece about the internet mocking Duncan Bannatyne. I’m very proud. http://i100.independent.co.uk/article/duncan-bannatyne-tweeted-this-selfie-with-his-girlfriend-and-now-everyone-is-mercilessly-mocking-him–WJ9aDbN7jx

Lolitics Podcast – 18th December 2015

I do some new jokes, and a couple of older ones, on the latest Lolitics podcast, which also features new stuff from excellent host Chris Coltrane. Have a listen: http://www.chriscoltrane.com/media/podcast/season_2/Lolitics_Podcast_Episode25_-_Dec_19th_2015.mp3

New Blog: President Trump

Inspired by ridiculous recent events, I’ve written a new blog which is a short story all about Donald Trump. Please have a read and share if you like: https://www.tiernandouieb.co.uk/2015/12/president-trump/

President Trump

President Trump

President Trump flicked idly through an Encyclopedia Britannica. He couldn’t pronounce the title, but he liked all the pictures and without this book that he found on the shelves of the White House, he would’ve known about so many other terrible things that existed in the world. As a result it was the only book he […]

Bonus December T Mail

Sorry* to plague your inbox twice in one month but this is a quick important** message. Due to my own idiocy***, the tickets for my show filming in Jan went off sale over a week ago, despite there being quite a few left. Anyway, thanks to the lovely people at EventBrite they are now back […]

December T-Mail

Reindeer T-Fans (Deer, cos it’s December and reindeers yeah? Yeah? No? Oh.) It’s that most wonderful time of the year when the new Star Wars film and a the possibility of World War 3 lurks around the corner all to commemorate the birth of baby Santa Claus a few decades ago. Are you feeling Christmassy? […]