Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

It’s That Time Again

Somehow it is August again. Don’t worry, I’m not baffled by how time works. I’ve got a watch and it has a proper big and little hand on it and everything. I just mean that time seems to fly by in a way that makes me assume it’s having a lot more fun than anyone […]

Marching On

I went on the anti-austerity demonstration yesterday through London and have consequently spent today not doing all that much at all. I did about 14,000 steps according to the hugely unreliable counter on my phone that I base most of dietary and exercise requirements on and will probably someday regret. Until then I’ll continue to […]

A Pint Of Human Kindness

I like finding new things. In these days of mass internet usage there seems to be a new thing every two minutes to share, or tell everyone it’s the funniest or saddest or most emotive in some way thing you’ve ever seen. Even if you’ve said that just the day before about something equally as […]

Typical Human

Before you continue, I should warn you that this blog is nothing more than a moan. Not a sexy one either, or a nicely spooky one that comes from your cupboard when no one’s in and means you go to sleep later than you planned. No, no, this is a bog standard argh-something-else-that-drives-me-up-the-wall-more-than-Spider-Man’s-car-which-in-itself-annoyed-me-as-it-was-created-solely-for-merchandise-purposes moan. The […]

Dear Audience…

Dear audience that were present at tonight’s gig, It’s now after the show. It’s (still) a Saturday night. My girlfriend is away on a hen weekend and I’ve been invited to a party that I was quite tempted to go to. But instead I’m already sitting at home in my pyjamas with the aim of spending […]

Seeing The Bullshit

I’ve made a small promise to myself to stop having opinions on things the second I read about them. I honestly feel like one of our current biggest problems in society is a snap reaction that isn’t processed, dwelled on, and thought about carefully before we spew more vile into the endless sick puddle of […]

Electoral Dysfunction

Having already written about The Conservative Party, The Labour Party, and the other possible kingmaker parties, I was going to write a blog about all the other itty bitty parties and independent candidates that are running in the election. But it turns out, there are 426 of those in Great Britain alone, with a further 36 in Northern […]

Why You Should Vote For…pt 3: The Kingmakers

This is the penultimate one of these blogs. You’ll either have registered to vote by now, or not bothered and left it up to everyone else to decide who’ll fuck up the UK best. Thanks for that. Sorry this one’s taken a while but lots has happened in the election campaign over the last two weeks. […]

UK General Election 2015: Why you should for…2. The Labour Party

Often, whenever I’ve criticised the Conservatives online, some idiot has responded with ‘Well what about Labour though?’ Usually using far too many capital letters and a lack of understanding that it is possible to be disillusioned by all parties at once. To prove I’m not one to pick sides, and as Labour have finally launched […]

UK General Election 2015: Why you should for…1. The Conservative Party

With only a few weeks till the UK general election, I thought it might be useful to do a series of, ahem, partisan blogs explaining exactly why you might want to vote for each party. If you’d like a more sensible view do check out Rick Edwards’ excellent new book ‘None Of The Above‘ which […]