Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

Eee You

I have generally always been for the UK being in the EU. It’s not something that I often thought about but generally being in a unity with other countries on the continent felt like a good thing to me – united we stand and all that. Not only that but somewhat naively I have always […]

Niche Tourism

I’m currently somewhere on the outskirts of Brussels, upstairs in a house owned by Xavier’s mum. Xavier is a promoter I’ve only just met, and seems very nice. I haven’t met his mum yet, but I’m in her house and soon I’ll be sharing a room with someone else I’ve not met before. In two […]

Sinking, Not Swimming

I’ve been thinking a lot about the lost city of Atlantis these last few days. If the island wasn’t just a fictional creation and did exist, now somewhere miles underwater, now inhabited by a variety of sea life rather than denizens that it once used to hold, I wonder what it’s last few weeks would […]

Striking Times

Back in 2009, oh so many moons ago, I remember being dragged to a social event for someone’s birthday that I didn’t really like. I’d just been on the G20 protest that day and wasn’t really in the mood to hang out and make polite conversation but I went anyway. I got caught up talking […]


Total sell out at Perth Fringe World and a lovely 4 star review from the West Australian “Antipodeans, this will tickle your funny bone“

Hardcore Tour Meister

It’s the third night of my 15 date, self booked, self promoted UK tour tonight. So far, it’s been very nice. That’s nice in a good way, not in a ‘not great’ or ‘biscuit’ way. Audiences have been reasonable in size and excellent in, er, being. They have been receptive to me waffling on about […]

News Will Eat Itself

I’ve just read an article in a paper (well, an online paper) about another paper doing an advert that slandered the journalist from yet another paper. The advert in question was unnecessarily vicious, and exceedingly bigoted, slandering a journalist for being pro-gay and stating such incredible untruths as there being ‘no such word for homophobic.’ […]

Funny Thoughts

There are many problems with comedy, and one of the main ones is constantly being obsessed with overthinking about it and working out exactly what it is we are all meant to be doing. This is pretty much what leads to all the other problems of comedy and were any of us that are involved […]

Useless Twitterings

There are times when I think I’ve made some sort of important decision in my life and then almost instantly had a moment of clarity that tells me that really, in the grand scheme of things, it’s all a tad petty. One of these, for example, is a half decision to stop tweeting as much. […]