Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

Time For More Time

If you got to this blog via Twitter, you’ll know quite how often I use it. Like some sort of horrible addict I genuinely fret when I have nothing to contribute on there, even if I haven’t got anything to say or my life has been exceptionally dull. There’s a lot I could write about […]

Grow Gills And Stop Being Lazy

The weather outside is horrific. I can say that from my very safe observational post of our front room where I’ve spent most of today watching people clutching their hoods and being blown down the street. One of the few joys of this ‘end of days’ style weather is that no one is able to […]

Life Should Mean Life

It’s been something we’ve all been thinking for a while in the UK. Well it’s definitely been bothering me anyway. Just how, oh how, will we ever punish all those immortals, vampires and demi-gods for whom our ‘life sentences’ are just a bit of a joke? Up until now they’ve been killing here, there and […]

New Year When You Want To

So that’s it. 2014 is here and with it tons of predictions, hopes, fears and general pondering on what this year may bring, all while reflecting on the last 365 days of happenings. What went wrong, what went right, who died, who nearly died, why oh why isn’t Jeremy Clarkson dead etc etc. I’m very […]

Barricade The Doors!

I’m not a fan of new year’s resolutions but I’ve scolded myself on many occasion in 2013 for having blog type thoughts in my head and not confined them to the internet. There are far too many thoughts on the internet already and if anything, I repeatedly complain that we are now in a world […]

The Green Green Grass Of Elsewhere

I remember hearing Robin Ince once do a bit of material about how the problem with going abroad is often it makes you realise how many things are wrong with the country you come from. I’m currently in Norway and this is one of the few countries that does exactly that for me. Even with […]

Hello. My Name’s Tiernan and I’m A Workaholic

Hello. My name’s Tiernan. I’m 32 years old though without beard I look considerably younger until you look into my eyes and realise I scowl at more of the world than a youthful person would do. With beard I look about 32. That’s why I have a beard. Amongst other reasons. I’m here, writing to […]

Doing The Right Thing

It’s not often I’ll pat myself on the back about anything, and this is not just due to having incredibly inflexible limbs. Nor am I one to blow my own trumpet, and that’s not just because I neither own a trumpet or have any musical skills at all. But it’s 3 days since the Phoenix […]


I’m not going to the Edinburgh Fringe this year. If you hadn’t gathered that already or remotely cared then I’m sorry to say you’ll be bombarded by various blogs I’ve written for various websites all detailing why. Essentially, in a series of different words, they all amount to the same reasons: it costs too much […]

Bearing All

Much like a discontinued bus service, successful castings for me tend to not come at all most of the time, while I’m left standing there ignoring the ‘no longer in use’ sign. However like the ever brilliant 134 bus service from Finchley to Tottenham Court Road (and it is brilliant) last week, three came all […]