Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

Conforming To The Masses

I wouldn’t say that I’m one of those people who actively won’t like something just because so many others do, but chances are if everyone in the world is going on about something, I won’t rush to see or do it. I’m not sure where this petulance has arisen from, but I suppose there is […]


I filled in my age on something today. I say something, what I mean is ‘a shitty competition that I entered’. I hesitated to clarify the exactness of the ‘something’ for two main reasons. One is that I haven’t been blogging much lately and I am pretending this is because I just don’t have time. […]


There is a tad too much to write about today. It seems that 2012 is rife for human error already and today has witnessed Ed Milliband’s amazing twuckup (yes, I’m going to call it that. I know it sounds horrible. Tough), following on Diane Abbott’s Twuckup yesterday. More and more it seems that if you […]

Dogs In Coats

I’m not sure why I think its so brilliant, but lately, every time I see a little dog in a little jacket, I find it funnier than most other things. I was so sure that coming up to the grand age of 31 I’d developed a better sense of humour than that. A wry political […]

The Colour Of Justice

In 1999 my mum and I went to see the Colour of Justice: The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry at the Victoria Palace Theatre. An incredible production that was set in the courtrooms of the initial trial hearing, not a dry eye was left in the house as we watched the actors playing Stephen’s parents superbly play […]

The Annual Douieb Review

Here we are at the last day of 2011. As some people would say, its been a year of ups and downs. I agree with this. I’ve been up some hills, particularly over August in Edinburgh, and I’ve also been down the same hills in order to get back to where I lived. I’ve been […]

The Future Is Not Now

Surely as technology progresses it should become easier and easier to use? Long gone are the days where to use a computer, 14 men had to lug an entire machine into a building only for a scientist type to press 67 buttons, wait seven days and then see that the mechanical beast has only managed […]

A Small Pressie Por Vu

Merry Christmas everyone! Yes, even you! No, don’t turn around. There’s no one behind you. You, I mean you. Merry Christmas, festive greetings, Merry Xmas, Marry Crispmass (this is illegal in some states in the US so be careful) and Happity Chrimbo or whatever else it is that nobheads say. Of course I’m not properly […]

Christmas Eve in Gotham

I’m currently in a fraught state of mind. I am in the flat by myself on Christmas Eve and I’m trying to find anything to do except play Xbox, for fear that without any supervision, nor any work to do whatsoever, I will start only find myself unmoved 12 hours later still making Batman run […]

The Road to Christmas

I know I’ve harped on about this before, but Christmas is the season of goodwill? Really? Are we all sure about that? Its something I hear year in, year out, and yet as I stare out the window looking at the sleek black Lexus that is happily parked on our drive, in my space, under […]