Tiernan's Blog / Latest News


Today has already been a good day. I find that being a fickle human being I only need one or two things to make a day stand out and today I have seen a 5 year old boy called Hector chase the comic Matthew Highton around in circles trying to lick his arm. Regardless of […]


My face is cold today. Yes, cold. I have had to, against my will, shave off the majority of my beard for an audition I have today. I refuse to shave all of it off on account of some of my material being about it and the fact I hate my chin. Its a rubbish […]

Striking Off

After three days of blogging about the strike action I was very much determined not to write about it anymore today. I like to presume some people abroad read this and if that’s remotely true (its not) then I hope I haven’t bored them to death with notes on an economic climate they don’t know […]

Strike Action pt 3

Over 2 million people are on strike today and it makes my heart swell with pride at the British public. I though we were a bunch of apathetic twits with opinions swayed by a lying press and an awful elitist government, but it turns out, we do care. I say ‘we’ but already today I […]

Strike Action pt 2

I had big plans for pt 2 of this blog today, but as it happens I have little time to do some proper research and bestow you with awesome facts and figures. The reason for this is, much like a lovely repeat of this time last year, our flat is without internet while we swap […]

Strike Force pt 1

I have a feeling the next few days of blogs are going to be on the same theme, so I have pre-empted this by calling today’s blog ‘pt 1’, which also allows me to be far less imaginative on the title front. But let’s skip past my creative laziness and move to the hard stuff. […]

Gary Barflow

Right, wordpress has deleted this post once already today, so it’s possibly too rebellious for it, and they are maybe too worried about letting something onto the internet that may cause a ripple through the system. But fuck it, let’s try again. Mega thanks to @ShaneHudson on Twitter who is a saviour of the blog. […]

Zoo Chews

This is a bad week for blogs I’m afraid. After a cop out blog yesterday, it not only appears there won’t be a moment to blog tomorrow and, even worse, today’s have very little to muse over. Normally by this point in the week I’ll have been so riled up with something or other – […]

Slammin’ Eurocrisis

Some self PR today as it’s L’s birthday and we’re going for a day of fun times and birthday adventures. Jealous? You should be. So no real blog from me, but instead here are some things I put on the inter web yesterday in audio and visual times. I can’t work out how to embed […]

A Novel Blog

I’ve just been out to buy a book. Yep. Like in the olden days. I bought it and the people in the shop put it in a brown paper bag just like in the olden days, and like in the olden days I walked out with it under my arm knowing I was about to […]