Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

First Time Liars

Today Cameron and Clegg announced that they will be backing 95% mortgages for first time buyers again. This news doesn’t mean a lot to me being self employed. I’ve already spent over 3 hours today trying to sort out car insurance I can afford to pay for, while still being able to eat every month, […]

Strangelets In The Night

I don’t know how most people blog write but I have two main methods when I crack on with my writing massive in a daytime. I don’t want to give away any secrets of the blogic circle or anything, so if you just believe I use some kind of creative wizardy to cough on my […]


BIOMECHANICS Having a biomechanics appointment sounds awesome. I’d had an orthotics one, but never a ‘biomechanics’, which sounds a great deal more exciting. I mean that properly sounds like ‘we will rebuild you Steve Austin’ type of thing and as I went to the little clinic yesterday afternoon I was more than 99% sure I’d […]

Mind Numb

I’m sure I’ve complained about this loads in the last few weeks (I never re-read my blogs. True story. You could tell me that last week I wrote about that cyclops that killed my cat and I’d totally believe you), but I am stuck in a massive writer’s block. If Writer’s Block was a place, […]

Beanz Means Eyes

Less of a blog today, and far more of a plea for the memories of those that read this that are in their late 20s to early 30s. Should you fall outside of this category, don’t worry, you may still read on without fear, but let me warn you that I am about to describe […]

Sitting On The Offence

Last night, at a university gig, a man went proper mega spazzy at Andrew O’Neill doing a very funny joke that just happened to mention Madelaine McCann’s name in it. Already, I bet you’re thinking ‘Woah Tiernan, busting out a first sentence like that throws us straight into the action. Not only have you used […]

Nothing But Mammals

This has just been posted on my Twitter feed: BBC Dropping Climate Change Episode Abroad To Help Sales   Have a read, get angry, generally sigh about the world. This is another notch on the bedpost that I will use to beat up any scavengers with when the Earth resembles Cormac McCarthy’s The Road due […]

Umpteenly Clean

We have 5 tubes of toothpaste in our bathroom. Our flat is hugely lacking in decent food, we’re nearly out of shower gel, and its definitely lacking in cash. However, need some toothpaste? We have a veritable fuckton of the white stuff. I’m not sure how we’ve collated so much gnashed cleansing product – one […]

Angry Music

It’s a beautiful sunny Sunday in England and all is very much well with the world. It makes a sharp change from the rest of the weekend where it has been nothing but an uphill struggle where doing my job I like very much became a job. Not all of it, by any means, with […]

Ranty Rant Rant

I’m a whole bundle of vexed this morning. Not sure what a bundle of vexed would be like but I suspect it to be like the creature in Brett Easton Ellis’ Lunar Park. If haven’t read that, imagine Gnasher trying to eat himself. That’s probably about right. Why such rage oh Tiernan? Well blogees, let […]