Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

Handy Work

I’ve been slack with blogs of late haven’t I? This past 18 months have had more breaks than a generic British builder doing a generic job for a generic rich person. Probably. Thing is, life is busy, and as well as it being busy, my hand that primarily types this (whilst I pretend to be […]

Accidental Consort

I had themes for today’s blog. They’d been swimming around in my head most of yesterday and I held onto them tightly in the brain storage facility for further use today. Today, I had thought, was going to be one of those blogs people will talk about for centuries to come. Or at least a […]

Grumpy Old Man

I am a grumpy old man. Here’s proof:   TRYING TIMES Of all the days I’ve chosen to drive to Wales (I say chosen, but there is a Comedy Club 4 Kids gig there that needs hosting and whilst I may have had some part in choosing the date, I can’t take all the blame) […]

Lansley, Tosser

I was going to try my best today to write about something other than Andrew Lansley and the NHS but its very difficult. I hate very much that such a loathsome man has taken over not only this week’s blogs but generally much of my thinking for the past week. It’s reached such an extent […]

Apples, Brothers and Doctors

BB BOTS So did any of you catch my brush with fame last night? Yes it was a tiny tiny brush. Yes fame is perhaps an overstatement. No, you probably didn’t see it. Well if you didn’t, I was only bloody well on Big Brother’s Bit On The Side last night wasn’t I? Yep indeed. […]

NHS / Bits On The Side

MORE NHS Right, look I know I’ve been going on about this every single day for the last week, but its a subject quite close to my heart. If I had any problems with that heart it would be even closer. The NHS bill may get passed today. I’m honestly not sure to what extent, […]

Collection of Things

Less a blog today, more a small collection of things of which I wish to inform you. Serious one first: NHS REFORM BILL The NHS reform bill is currently being debated by the House of Lords and with the assumption that it will get passed in some format whether we like it or not, this […]

Planet Saving For Dummies

Sometimes its very easy to get disheartened with comedy and the world in general. Yesterday was one of those days that fully reaffirmed my faith in both. The Block The Bill, Block The Bridge demonstration yesterday, as organised by UK Uncut was a lovely sunny afternoon of very civil disobedience and one of the nicest […]

Block The Bridge

A very short blog today as I’m off to this: BLOCK THE BRIDGE Which is one of the most important protests you could possibly attend. I’m meant to be doing stand-up there today but I’m really struggling to find humour in the notion of the NHS being destroyed in place of a privatised system that […]

Bear Witness

Essentially today has, so far, been nothing but a bit of loveliness. My bestest bud Mat and his girlfriend Hannah did the formal part of their wedding this morning, making them officially, by certificate, husband and wife. The big do is in a few weeks time so today was just the ‘paperwork’ but made so […]