Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

Boots & Cats

I always harbour an odd thought that if I wasn’t a stand up I’d be a hip hop DJ of some sorts. Or an astronaut. Or an adventurer. Or a rock star. Or just that guy in the pub that no one knows who he is, where he’s from, what he does for a living, […]

Mac Daddy

It was an odd thing to find out Steve Jobs had died this morning. Only a day after Apple launch its new products and only a few months after he stepped down as chief executive of the company, I’m not sure anyone suspected he was quite so close to the end of his life. Hours […]

Size Of The Fight In The Dog

I thought I’d wait and type today’s blog after watching David Cameron do his speech at the end of the Conservatives Conference. It’s the last of the three main parties meetings and probably, or at least I thought so, the most important to pay attention to for the key clues as to how much worse […]

National Health Disservice

I have accidentally made too much popcorn. Unpopped corn appears to be one of those unquantifiable solids in the universe. Sure I’ve got to ‘put enough kernels to cover the bottom of the pan’ but we all know that’s never enough, but as soon as you add even one more kernel than that to the […]

Out Of The Zone

STAGGERED I’m not sure what sort of a blog this will be today. After a weekend on my best friend’s stag do, my brain isn’t quite in top form. Today is mostly for gathering back together the strands of reality and life where I’m not roaming around with 9 other men wondering how best to […]


I’m off on my best mate’s stag do today. Mat being my best mate means I am his best man and ultimately the mantle has fallen on me to have organised these next two days of stag action. And it is a mantle, possibly more so for me than others. I don’t mean to sound […]

Tiernan 2.0

I know I’ve written about this subject matter before, but there are obvious signs of ageing and once again I experienced one of these yesterday. Whilst reaching for something with my right arm, I got a sudden serious sharp pain in my head. Yes. Arm movement caused head pain. This hasn’t happened before. I know […]

Cost Of Living

Wow the world’s a mess isn’t it? I’m finding it so interesting watching as day after day another group of economists, traders or world bank institutions start to forecast a complete global economy collapse. I don’t understand it all, but it seems everyone’s now borrowed up to their eyeballs and what with bail outs draining […]


It rarely happens that I see something that everyone else has raved about and yet I don’t like it. Usually I am happily on that bandwagon asking for a shotgun seat at the front or play a bit of banjo at the back as we chase after those who disagree. It does happen occasionally though. […]

Labour, Curry & Monkeyshine

So, er, there was meant to be a blog yesterday. I was going to type up about my weekend in the West County, the incredible high tea I had at Bath Bun in Bath, and many many other exciting tales from the Douieb’s travels. But, er, then I had an all you can eat curry […]