Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

Living In A Shell

When there is a snail comfortably living under your sofa, I think its an indication that you need to clean the flat. It looked throughly upset to be disturbed, retreating into its shell with a look that almost conveyed dismay at the noise the hoover was causing and the upset and waking him up from […]

Emergency Drawer

This blog is being typed to the new brilliant Tron Legacy soundtrack. What that means is that whilst you may not have noticed it otherwise, it will have a sense of epic drama and sci-fi futuristicness that lingers in the background regardless of how dull the content may be. I have nothing exciting to blog […]

Ikea, Youkea, Wekea, Neverkeagain

Its hurting to type this today as I have what I affectionately refer to as ‘Ikea hands’. Ikea hands are the result of any activity to do with said Swedish chain as it will no doubt involve at least some of the following: awkwardly carrying over heavy things; moving heavy things out of a constantly […]

Keep Moving

I’m currently stealing the wi-fi from my parent’s house to write this as our new flat currently has no internet powers. Knowing BT and how long these things seem to take it’s unlikely we’ll have the internet until 2012. Considering wi-fi just seems to just hang around in the air or space or whatever, I […]

Occupying The Occupiers

IMG_4969Originally uploaded by ucloccupation A pre-written blog today. Not that you’d be able to tell if I hadn’t put that. I doubt any of you read this blog as soon as it goes out and so technically, its always pre-written. Unless you were able to read the words as I typed them, it will never […]

Packing It In

I hate packing. It seems so futile to spend ages putting lots of things into boxes and bags to then only take them out of boxes and bags not long after. Sure, if I didn’t put them in boxes and bags then transporting them to a different location would be even more fiddly and tiresome, […]

Going Nowhere

I promised an uber blog today. This was hugely stupid of me as I hadn’t predicted that my night last night would occur in the fashion it did and that today would be covered with a booze mist leaving me so steaming drunk that I could single handedly have walked around the North this morning […]

Go Blog Elsewhere

I don’t actually have any time for a blog today. Inbetween filming a small thing for Nat for an item on the One Show she’s doing next week and driving through the snow like an arctic trooper to Tenbury Wells for my gig this evening, I have zilch time for Things To Say And Douieb. […]

New Kid In Town

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed doing the last two days of blogs and putting actual substance in them, but this enjoyment must be, to put it lightly, shot to shit today as once again I find time is of the essence. Unfortunately the essence is eau d’ shot to shit as the afternoon’s minute and second resources […]

Comic’s Comics

Warning, this is probably the geekiest blog I’ve ever written. If you have this constant image of me as hella cool and badass, which I know most of you do, then turn away. I’m sure many of you style your hair like the Tiernan flick and constantly ask yourself ‘What Would Douieb Do?’ and I […]