Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

Voluntary Humiliation

Everytime I support Tony Lee on tour, I say to myself and most people willing to listen to my repetitive dribble, that I can’t watch him do such terrible things to the people that he hypnotises and that I have to go and stand elsewhere. I say I could never do what he does, as […]

Le Zoo Bizarre!

One of the many benefits of comedy is being able to do gigs in places you otherwise wouldn’t be able to go. I’ve blogged before about various gigs in RAF training bases, Cambridge University balls, and barns owned by Ian Fleming’s descendants. Most of these places tend to be normally off limits to me due […]

What’s Bootsy Doin’?

Time is scarce today. Well I mean, its not scarce. Its clearly around in terms of concept and its ever progression, but it in terms of time that I have to write this blog, its most definitely running out. So I will just share a small joy that I discovered yesterday with you. At about […]


I’ve just got back from having a rather lovely lunch at the pop-up Innocent Restaurant in Shoreditch. Its not like a popup book sadly, as the rain would’ve made its paper structure rather a mess today, but instead its a temporary venue whereby with a pre-booking you get two courses of a meal, featuring your […]

Cabbin’ Fever

It appears over the last few days I’ve become some sort of terrible human being. I’m not sure what’s changed me, but after laughing at the man with the funny walk the other day, I then ruined a cab driver’s evening because his accent was so strong I couldn’t understand him, or therefore find him […]

Brain Doodles

I’m in a rush today. In terms of time that is. I’m not trapped in a single leaf of a water based plant. I’d have to be smaller to do that. I wasn’t in a rush an hour ago, and then I realised as time has slowly ticked away that I had I planned today […]

Let Them Entertain Me

After only having three hours sleep, being hungover (yes, again. Shut up. Yes you. You specifically. Frowny McFrownerson with your morals and that) and leaving Camarthen at 7am this morning to drive 250 miles home, there is not much brain capacity left for a blog. Don’t fret though people, people who are solely dependant on […]


There’s nothing that can sum up the highs and lows of a comedy career quite like gigging to just under 500 students, storming it, and then returning full of adrenaline to the sort of bleak Travelodge hell that I’m currently sitting in. The kind of room where they have discarded all attempt at art apart […]

A Slice of Serious Pie

A fairly seriousish blog today. Not sure what’s happened but see it as reading a page in the Sunday Times supplement or somesuch and we’ll all get by. If its too serious at any point, then please just imagine a penguin with a small woolly hat on bopping left and right. There. That will get […]

Unliving For The Day

Whoever said ‘live for the day’ was a bellend. I mean, what else are you meant to do for the day? Die? I mean, I’m sure some people do, otherwise the whole world would be horribly over populated, I just think that the very least I can do, per day, is live. I’ve done it […]