Tiernan's Blog / Latest News


If there was a song to signify today it would be The White Stripes ‘I Just Don’t Know What To Do With Myself’. I’ve unpacked, tidied up, gone through my diary, emailed a few people and now, have just stopped, at a complete loose end with what to do now I don’t have a show […]


As we arrived at Kings Cross station, Tom, Nat, Eri, Danny and myself teetered off the train onto the platform laden with bags, booze sweats and a giddy mix of excitement and being more tired than most BBC3 comedy plotlines. As other passengers pushed past racing off to their various destinations, we stood still for […]

Here Endeth The Fringe

Stick a fork in me, I’m done. Fringe 2010 took it in the face. Its now Monday 30th August and I’m not dead. Therefore Tiernan 1, Fringe 0. Its nice to complete your achievements. Mr room’s packed and we’re all about to grips with cleaning the flat, which shouldn’t be too bad apart from the […]

Fringe Day 26: Bitey Berserker Vikings

Forgive the brevity of this blog, but its my final show tonight and I fully intend to enjoy every second of the lead up to it. Yes it would help if I wasn’t hungover. Yes it would also help if I wasn’t wearing a towel around my shoulders like a Roman which is restricting my […]

Fringe Day 25: Penultimateinityisation

Only two shows left to go. I’ve woken up, booze free, full of sleep and with the prospect of this festival ending. Up until today, I’ve been excited about this. The behemoth (the largest of all moths) of festivals is done, and the light at the end of the tunnel is made of glowing vegetables […]

Fringe Day 24: Blaaaaarrrrggggghhhhh

I can’t be arsed to blog today. If I could repeatedly type the word ‘blaaaaarrrrggghhhh’ over and over again, I would and it would give you an adequate idea of just how many words are left still in my brain at this point. This is very difficult to type today so here instead are some […]

Fringe Day 23: Paaaartaaaay

I think that when a day starts with you opening your door, seeing your flatmate, asking them if they remember how they got home, they reply no, and you both high five, that your new levels of what sort of behaviour is acceptable of an eve have had their standards reduced somewhat. These morning occurrences […]

Fringe Day 22: The Name Game

UNNAMED WARRIOR So far, everyday, the Meadows has never ceased to be a constant source of entertainment for me. From stick insect selling to weird violin playing tightrope walkers and people kickboxing, its been one of my simple joys of this festival, just walking through and witnessing such oddities. Yesterday was no different. Instead of […]

Fringe Day 21: Flyediting Professionale

My favourite new game of the fringe is Flyer Editing, or Flyediting if you will. Its a very simple game that you can play too with any flyers any time of the year, a black marker pen and a huge amount of time to waste. Luckily at the fringe, I have all of these things […]

Fringe Day 20: Lazy Blog

Quick blog today. This is mostly on account of laziness. Not that I have a lazy account. If I did, I wouldn’t be all that bothered to ever put money in it. I’d be too lazy. Bank’s should offer such things. Though I suppose they do. They’re called savings accounts. I have one, and I’m […]