Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

Fringe Day 21: Flyediting Professionale

My favourite new game of the fringe is Flyer Editing, or Flyediting if you will. Its a very simple game that you can play too with any flyers any time of the year, a black marker pen and a huge amount of time to waste. Luckily at the fringe, I have all of these things […]

Fringe Day 20: Lazy Blog

Quick blog today. This is mostly on account of laziness. Not that I have a lazy account. If I did, I wouldn’t be all that bothered to ever put money in it. I’d be too lazy. Bank’s should offer such things. Though I suppose they do. They’re called savings accounts. I have one, and I’m […]

Fringe Day 19: Sticking It To ‘Em

Every year everyone finds their own special fringe moment that makes them fondly remember the oddities of the year for one reason or another. Tom’s one this year was seeing a man cry by himself,on a waltzer, which I still can’t stop smirking at whenever I think of it. I saw Celia Paquola today who […]

Fringe Day 18: 5.30am Bad Time

SPOT THE DIFFERENCE There comes a point every single fringe where I get a big spot on my nose. Its as regular as every other element of the fringe and appears that my personal stress likes to manifest itself in a way that makes me look like Rudolph the Red Nose Human Dude. This year, […]

Fringe Day 17: Big Mess

If you ever hear me saying the phrase ‘It’s drink o’clock’ again, please kindly put an arm round me and cart me away to somewhere safe as its clear what will happen next is not in my best interests. To prove a point, today’s blog, at 3.45pm comes to you via some still very drunk […]

Fringe Day 16: Recharging A Dead Battery

I’VE HAD SOME SLEEP! WOOHOO! 9 whole frikkin’ hours of pure undiluted snoozery filled with some severely mad cap dreams and quite possibly some classic old school snoring (I wouldn’t know, I was asleep). Batteries recharged? Feeling like I could leap over lampposts? Er……no. Just more sleepy now. Stupid sleep. I did lots of things […]

Fringe Day 15: Night of The Turbo Crab

They didn’t see it coming. Someone should’ve warned them. Someone should have prepared. The fringe that never sleeps just got a wake up call. From the depths of Brookes bar a vicious beast emerged and swept through the hordes eliminating all possibility of an early night and damaging throats and dignity in one fell swoop. […]

Fringe Day 14: Back To The Grind

Its an odd thing, but after having looked forward to my day off pretty much since the fringe started, I’ve now had it and I’m worried its been detrimental rather than useful. Prior to that, I had momentum. I was a veritable office desk toy of comedy. Tap me and I shall swing. I don’t […]

Fringe Day 13: Like A Pair Of Pants

Its my day off today so I’m gonna keep this blog brief, like a pair of pants. (Regular blog readers from some months back may have missed that phrase. Well fear not, I fully intend to bring it back into the vernacular). So here is just a few notes about the last day or so, […]

Fringe Day 12: Three Lions and One Small Bear

I’m typing today’s blog wearing shorts, a tshirt and my trainers. This much information may already be way too much for some of you to handle and I’d like to apologise for the lack of warning about a possible sexytime blog. More likely however, several of you are sitting there thinking ‘Douieb you cad, its […]