Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

Johnny Three Gigs

Just call me Johnny Three Gigs. Why? Well because you idiot, yesterday I did three gigs. Oh you were asking why you were calling me Johnny? Valid point. I have no valid reason to give. Now stop asking difficult questions. Yeah I did three whole gigs. How did they go? Well I feel I haven’t […]

Blame Pollen

My hayfever is stupid today. I think that would be the official classification from any doctor that I went to see as I was unable to complete any sentence due to rigorous sneezing. He would look at his notes, then look at me, dodge my sneeze and diagnose it as stupid. I’m really unhappy with […]

Friday Thoughts 3: Son of Thoughts

Some Friday thoughts: – How exciting is the US/Russia spy swap that’s going on in Vienna? I am refusing to read about it, because I like to believe its much like when kids swap Panini stickers and top US and Russian military are standing around saying ‘I’ll give you one master of espionage for one […]

Will Work For Lunch

I realised that I am a hugely contradictory person yesterday. No I’m not. Ha. That was failed joke number one of today’s blog. I received a text offering me a gig I’ve done before for a lot less money, and I turned it down on principal. Then I spent five hours in a radio studio […]

Unconsciously Conscious

Have you ever gone to sleep then dreamed about trying to sleep but not being able to, only to wake up to find you have slept and your brain was just being facetious? I awoke this morning to be completely surprised by the fact I had woken up. Shocked that, as I was !00% certain […]

The Only Tiernan

PUMP IT UP Just been to collect my new insulin pump. I’m not being trained in how to use it till Monday but I’ve picked it up early to look at it, figure out its alien technology and occasionally run around with it next to me ear so I can pretend I’m talking to someone […]

Admin Not Admax

SOMETHING ELSE PLAY DAY Today’s blog starts with some admin. Yep tha’s right peeps. Admin. Its better than admax which is too much boring PR, and it will only be a little bit. There will be more later, but between that there will be some other words. See it as a working day blog with […]

Lesbian Burgers

There is a Tom Craine in my house and so I will have to make this quick. I’m not sure if any of you have ever had to look after a Tom Craine before, but he requires constant care and attention lest he hurt himself or breaks things. He’s not dissimilar to a Tamagotchi if […]

Dog Hairs

Really this blog can fuck right off today. I had a brilliant night last night and as a result I am surfing the karma wave today by paying for every second of yesterday. If I close my eyes they throb as though they would quite like to leave my skull. If I open them the […]

Getting Deep

The problem with where I live, ie London, is there’s a lot of things to do on any one day. You don’t have to do them all, don’t worry, and in fact from it, I tend to do none of them most of the time. The place is littered with excellent art galleries, museums, exhibits, […]