Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

Karaoke Circus

The words ‘karaoke’ and ‘circus’ strike both fear and enjoyment into me when heard individually. ‘Karaoke’ sums up lots of fat sweaty people whining along to awful pop songs they only know half the words to while emitting the sort of grin that says ‘I am a legend of rock’ without irony. However, a few […]

Uninteresting Angles

I am confining myself indoors today until the London Improv show tonight, as I still haven’t finished doing my taxes. Despite having started them over a week ago, I have only managed to do half of all my outgoings. This is partly because my attention span will not allow me to get through too many […]

Short Stories

Its slightly cooler weather wise today and I’m bloomin’ thankful for it. I probably mention the weather far too often in this blog, general chat and wherever I can. Its because its a genuine indicator of how I will deal with the rest of the day. Yesterday I woke up, it was stupid hot, I […]

Summerburn 2010

My brain has officially melted today. I’ve tried to do a few things, but beyond menial tasks I seem to have given up. So rather than sit here and rant about how crazy the weather is or just how hugely hugely shit England were yesterday, I thought I’d just post up the Summerburn playlist I’ve […]

McGuyver of Social Etiquette

Its only just occurred to me that in the song Three Lions, when they sing ‘its coming home, its coming home, its coming’ it sounds more like they are wishing England to lose. I mean really, if anything, they want football to stay over there, so that it can keep playing. No? Its a stupid […]

You Do It

It doesn’t matter where it is, every Starbucks appears to have a policy whereby they clearly have two tills, and a lot of staff, and yet no one is ever on the second till. The queue gets longer and longer as the one member of staff who’s been handed the till short straw appears to […]

Stooling Problems

I’ve never really understood the phrase ‘It’s grim up North’ because mostly, it really isn’t. If anything, having a stroll round Newcastle yesterday afternoon, I realised just what a nice city it is. The sandstone brick buildings, places such as the Royal Theatre, ancient wall ruins and the occasional statue of a man who made […]

A Little Less Conversation

I have to type this using some sort of train stealth. I fully intended on the train to Newcastle to get loads of work done. Write some stuff about the budget and the England game, work on my show, do a good lengthy blog and generally abuse East Coast’s appalling free wifi for every megabit […]


Its too hot to do anything again today. It was the same yesterday, which I only realised once doing things. These things involved carrying and walking and both of those meant more tshirts and shower water were used up than is actually necessary. I wore my favourite new tshirt of a bear fighting an octopus […]

Pretty Fly

Firstly, the as yet unnamed webcomic by myself and Mat Wandless, pt 2: The first part was here if you missed it: http://www.twitpic.com/1v1v65 Secondly, I went for a run this morning. Not that dissimilar to recent events where I have also gone running. Nor is it particularly interesting. No. So why on earth am I […]