Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

Everybody Loves The Sunshine

I bloody love the sunshine. Don’t you? Doesn’t everyone? Isn’t that why there’s that song that goes ‘Everybody Loves The Sunshine’? Pretty much. And its definitely true if people sing about it. That’s the rules. Lucy was in the sky with diamonds. Moo Moo Land is a place, and the moon has hit people in […]

The Coalition Agreement Explained (Sort of)

So today the government have released the Coalition programme explaining just what they aim to carry out during their time in parliament and perhaps more importantly, which bits of each other’s manifestos they have included and which have been compromised. Before I go any further, its likely you’re already bored, so here is a quick […]

Norwegian Sea Life Disco

There are times when I really do question my choice of living. This morning, standing in front of four people I’d never met, in just a very small pair of Superman pants, pretending I was standing on the nose of a whale, was one of those times. This was, incase you were wondering, for a […]

Evening Primrose

Why is it so many plants and flowers that are used for toiletries sound like they are greeting old ladies? Evening Primrose! Aloe Vera! Ok, so its only those two. But still, that’s more than most other things sound like they are speaking specifically to elderly women in a pleasant fashion. Maybe we should call […]

Back To The Hood Of Things

I’ll make this speedy as I’m moving things today. Not that I don’t usually move something everyday, and I wouldn’t want you to think I was merely boasting to those who can’t move anything. No, I’m moving stuff from my old flat into my parent’s house, as yesterday I took residency in the bedroom I […]


I woke up at 6.02am this morning due to a very very loud sound that appeared to buzz for a long time and then thud. Buzzzzzzzz, thud. Buzzzzzz, thud. Like someone falling over while trying to press an intercom. After the last few days of being awoken by the sounds of scaffolding being removed and […]

Littlest Hobo

I’m sure it wasn’t this hard to find Edinburgh festival accommodation last year? It appears that this year all the landlords have looked at the credit crunch, taken in the fact that all comedians, actors and fringe participants are broke and have therefore decided to raise all the rent by bankrupting amounts. Now, before I […]

Friday Ponderings / Frionderings

Some Friday thoughts and things: TOAST ACCEPTANCE SPECTRUM Late last night I offered my friend Sam a piece of toast. That’s what you do. Its just common courtesy. He declined, but he didn’t use a simple no. No, he used the phrase ‘ I have a very small toast acceptance spectrum from around 8am to […]

Quiztory In The Making

I’ve never been a pub quiz champion before. I always fear them slightly not knowing a lot about pubs. Arf. That’s an arf for two reasons. One, they don’t ask you about pubs of course you big silly. Two, I know shitloads about pubs. Well, a bit anyway. But I have never been part of […]

Back Once Again….

Not a great title for my blog today, as I’m worried people will think it refers to the Tories. It doesn’t. They are definitely not renegade masters. I’ve decided the start this again. I suppose, by typing this, and you reading it, its pretty bloody obvious. Don’t get me wrong, if I could send a […]