Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

A Break

Hello usual blog readers. Or rather, reader. I haven’t posted for a couple of days now, which for a daily blog, is possibly quite odd. Not that many of you have noticed. I still just thought I should probably post this to say I’m not dead. Or if I am, then you can use blogspot/FB […]

Hung Over

Wow, the UK is in a proper mess today. People wanted change and then voted as such and now seem all a bit worried about the fact that no one has really won anything and no one really knows what’s going on. It feels a bit like when Layla decides she wants to move all […]

Structural Vote

Right, I’ve voted. That means I can have the rest of the day off right? Well there’s little else I can do to change the country save from start a new gunpowder plot. I’m not a fan of that. Mostly because gunpowder is a bit old school now, and I’m fairly sure I’d explode myself […]

Like a Pair Of Pants

I’m going to keep this brief, like a pair of pants. I like that phrase, especially as I made it up. However, it doesn’t actually make sense. Pants are also known as briefs, not brief, so really it would be better if you said ‘keep this brief, like a case.’ Except cases are funny. Well […]

Misery Fuel

I genuinely thought I’d already blogged today but it appears I definitely haven’t. Its slightly worrying that I thought that, and is a further step in me wondering if my brain is steadily giving up. Last night at Old Rope, at the end of the gig, I forgot who had been on, and forgot acts […]

Bank Aaarghliday

Much like Hannibal from the A-Team, I do indeed love it when a plan comes together. Unlike Hannibal, I can’t really handle cigars as I inhale all wrong and feel a bit sick, and I don’t have a team of crack commandos who were sent to prison for a crime they didn’t commit. Or at […]

Iron Filings

Its a bloody miserable day outside. One of those days where the weather has decided everything needs to be in more shades of grey than a film noir piece. Unfortunately it hasn’t added any of the spy suspense or intrigue of such a piece and instead everything just seems boring and mundane. Its like a […]

Crawling, Not Waving

Off to host the comedy at the Camden Crawl this afternoon so shall keep this brief. It should be much fun, spending hour after hour talking to all the passing trendy kids as they pop in to watch some hilarity before going off to watch brand new bands that are the coolest thing with names […]

Final Debate: My Review / Tiernan Talks Back

This blog shall be in two sections. Firstly, my official clever, well informed and intelligent review of the political debate last night. Then, because several of you have asked for it, the brief return of Tiernan Talks Back. Oh yes. So here we go: The Final Debate: My Review by Tiernan Douieb aged 29 and […]

Full Mooning

There is a bit of a unproven theory in the comedy world that when its a full moon, gigs tend to be more than a little odd. Its not an uncommon theory that people go a bit bonkers when the moon’s all big, round and shiny like Wayne Rooney’s face. For a start the Met […]