Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

Points of View

Several things to blog about today, but I must also not blog too much as I have an Edinburgh preview tomorrow and while since the last one, I’ve definitely thought about the show a lot, I haven’t necessarily improved it. Actually the word ‘necessarily’ doesn’t even need to be there. I haven’t improved it. Fact. […]

Not So Glorious

I felt the need to blog about this today and as I’m sure many of you will know, my lack of political knowledge may mean this is a tad ropey but here we go. I saw the Labour Party Political broadcast last night by Eddie Izzard. I wasn’t really sure about it at all so […]


That Icelandic volcanic ash has given a lovely grey tint to the day. I woke up this morning and the skies seemed rather blue, which led me to believe that the airports were taking a tip from the Tube drivers and trying to get an easy day off at the expense of others. But now, […]

The One Ring

I can’t figure out why hotel’s kick you out at 11 but then won’t check you in until 3ish. What happens in the 4 hour interim? Sure rooms are cleaned, but does that take a whole 4 hours? I can clean my flat in about a quarter of that time. Yes admittedly, Layla would say […]

Wanna Be Like You-oo-oo

Yesterday, in Longleat, whilst sitting on the Lady Bath boat and gently chugging along the Longleat lake, we spotted Nico the sad gorilla. He was sad, the tour guide told us, because his partner Samba, died a few months back and he is too old for them to pair him up with another gorilla. He […]

Engaging Times

Me and Layla are now engaged. There you go. Its not like I haven’t been engaged before, but those times involved me being on the phone while someone else was calling and so was apparently very different. That also involved a ring, but it being a ringtone means it wasn’t as expensive and I can’t […]

Green Witch

Its another nice day today. At some point this will have to stop otherwise the general British public will start to cheer up, the entire pessimistic ethos of the UK will disappear and then no one will want stand-up comedy. Or, more likely, just as we’ve got used to the weather being all lovely, it […]

Party Pooper

Layla has just told me that she has been using my deodorant for the last few weeks as hers had run out. Now, while I mostly am not too bothered about this, aside from perhaps that I will have to go buy more deodorant sooner than I should because she couldn’t be arsed to by […]

Inconsistent Genius

Gotta run and do Comedy 4 Kids again today, so today’s blog shall resort to the old cheaty format of some bullet points for ye: – I am good at mini golf, sometimes. Paul Byrne says that’s called ‘inconsistent genius’ and once he’d told me that it reminded me that I am an inconsistent genius […]

Eire Mail

Its a lovely day and I have to go and waste a large part of it in the Post Office because despite it being the future and that, its still nigh on impossible to transfer money to Ireland without a series of gruelling charges and procedures. I have to post a cheque to Mr Keith […]