Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

Trend Setting

Rather boring theme for today’s blog but I thought as its a Friday and my sinuses’ snot production rate has improved by 50%, that I would go for something cheeryish (its a word, deal with it). I might add that when I say the ‘snot production rate has improved’ I mean its got worse. If […]

Goat Stories

I’ve woken up properly full of snot today. I hate it when overnight your defence system just packs in and gives up. It started a little bit yesterday with the occasional casual sneeze, and some point overnight levelled up into full on cold. Now I’ve got a few theories on what it might be. There […]

Para tirar naranjas en

Happy St Patrick’s Day to all you Patrick’s and Saints out there. More importantly to all Irish folks and all those people around the world who use today to pretend to be a bit Irish. I know I’m doing such a thing right now. Somewhere in my ancestry, roughly my great grandma on my mum’s […]

Quiz Strom

Today has already been a maelstrom of things. By that, I mean I got things in the mail that made me go all strom like. No, I don’t know what a strom is either, but it sounds like something similar to my morning. A cheque made out to Tiernan Diouet was interesting, and then the […]

Tiernan Talks Back

Sometimes you lot post comments on this blog. Not always but sometimes. Whenever those sometimes are, your comments appear to contain questions, loads and loads of bloody question about this and that and something I’ve written and how do you vote for me in the upcoming elections, and what is the chemical equation for hellfunksupercoolness […]

Glasgow Blogsplosion

I feel I may have shot my own leg off by promising a blogsplosion in today’s blog. I’m sure there’s a better more appropriate term for hindering yourself than ‘shot my own leg off’, including just saying that I’ve hindered myself, but as it is ‘shot my own leg off’ is going to be used. […]

Ignore This Blog pt 2

I warned you yesterday that today’s blog would be worthless, but here we all are. Lucky for you, you’re not actually ‘here’ as I’m sitting in Luton Airport’s departure lounge, a place that happily dances across the boundaries of being the skankiest rip off agents in the airport world and being ambassadors of the future. […]

Ignore This Blog pt 1

The next two days of bloggery are going to be very brief and probably somewhat dull. I’ve given you that forewarning, so if needs be, you can just turn back now and ignore things till Sunday. Go on. This is your only chance. Have you gone yet? Good. Idiot. Now everyone I shall reveal the […]


I have a huge spot on my nose. Its one of those large bright red ones that were I standing by a beach, boats would think it were a port beacon and crash into the shore, or if I moseyed down a runway, would cause planes to miss the landing strip by a mile. Luckily […]

International Day of Awesomeness

I’ll be honest, I really didn’t want to blog today. I was aiming for a cheaty non-blog, whereby I would briefly mention how brilliant last night was, how un-brilliant my hangover today is, and how anti-brilliant staring at a computer screen is for the aforementioned hangover. I shouldn’t really call it a hangover as it […]