Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

Sign Of God

This is the current advert outside the loony church round the corner from me. Much as there is large part of me that likes to find huge holes in a fraudulent cult corporation masquerading as a religion, they do seem to dangle the bait out there like they want passers by to mock. I haven’t […]

Caffeine Hated

I’m really tired. Proper stupid tired. As a result over the last day or so I have pumped levels of caffeine into my body that were someone to lick me, they’d probably buzz for a few hours before crashing. This is not good, as obviously caffeine makes you more tired in the long run, meaning […]

Comedy Hero

It became quite clear, fairly quickly last night, that I am properly shit at Beatles Rock Band. Or Lego Rock Band. Or probably any Rock Band of any sort. I have complained about this before (see HERE) and very little has changed since then, except that as well as trying to understand how to press […]

You’re Hot

Just did an interview thingy on Sunshine Radio. I’m aware how dubious that radio station name is – you know along the lines of special bus etc – but its local radio for Herefordshire, Worcestershire and other places that end in The Shire, like Middle Earth. Maybe that’s why they had me on. Actually its […]

To Work or Not To Work But Think About Work? What A Long Question

I’m doing work today. Yes work. I was meant to be doing work yesterday but my brain completely gave in and decided that it had done enough work for a few days and after several hours of just starting aimlessly at my computer, struggling to even resend a tweet about a big dog that people […]

Not Fine Speeding

A few things for today: Not Fine Speeding I just filled out a form admitting to a speeding fine, despite the fact that Layla had already filled one out that I had signed too saying I was guilty of wanting to go somewhere quicker than I should. They obviously got that reply and deemed it […]

Belfast Exit

I’m on a proper computer – wahey! – in Belfast’s George Best airport, where ironically I’m sure the man that checked my passport was drunk. Maybe that’s part of the criteria? He looked at me, and looked back at the passport about 4 times before burping under his breath, looking confused and waving me on. […]


How exciting that Britain won the gold at the skeleton event last night in the Winter Olympics. I honestly thought I wouldn’t have cared but last night as I tuned in from my hotel room I became hooked on watching these women throw themselves headfirst down an icy chasm of death. I can’t even begin […]

Choose Your Own Blog

It’s times like this I think I only write this blog daily to hinder my life possibly becoming easier. Today, among 6 billion other shit things, I’ve spent two hours sitting in a foyer, spent thirty minutes in an airport security queue behind a moron who didn’t realise creams were a liquid’ and I’ve tried […]

Pump Action

I’ve been jogging today. I know. I know. What a dick. It wasn’t even my idea but I said I would do it as Layla finally got her new bike the other day and she wanted me to come with her to the park to give it a whirl. Of course you can’t just walk […]