Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

PR Hartely

Today is my last day of being really really busy, then tomorrow I have no gigs, but still have to do work, and then I’m busy again. I like telling you I’m busy as it means you probably all go round saying things like ‘who’s busy? That Tiernan is, he is.’ And maybe you’ll go […]

Good Moaning

WARNING: This blog is all a bit moany. I apologise about this as I like to think of my blog as a hit of whimsy to start my day, but while some very good things happened yesterday, I feel they would make this blog a lot less exciting than to talk about the couple of […]

Bowing Down

I’ve left myself 6 minutes to write today’s blog. I’ll admit, this isn’t really enough times to do a lot of things. For example, you need longer to cook a pie, watch a 30 minute program, scale a mountain or boil 3 eggs in succession. Thwo eggs yes, but not three. Unless you put all […]

Lost The Plot

Today’s blog will be a short scene. Sometimes I get all dramatical on yo asses and today I’d like to share a piece with you that I like to call: How The Writers and Producers of Lost Made Season 6. SCENE 1. INT. LOST IDEAS ROOM THE WRITERS AND PRODUCERS OF LOST ARE SITTING AROUND […]

I Am An Idiot pt 2

Just to confirm yesterday’s blog, I am definitely an idiot. What kind of body clock insists on waking you up at 8.30am when you only made it home and to bed at 4am in the first place? An idiot’s body clock that what kind. Admittedly I managed to get back to sleep but I am […]

Im an Idiot

I’m a massive idiot. This statement is proved by today. Today is not going to be a good day. In fact, far from it. It will probably be quite shit. Its all my fault though so I will have to lie face down in the shit and embrace it. The reason for it excrement like […]

Mo’ Problems

How good was Mo on Channel 4 last night? If you didn’t watch it, shame on you for missing one of the few good things on telly. Good telly is so rare nowadays that to miss such nuggets should be made some sort of crime. What were you watching instead? Some washed up coke addict […]


Turns out, its pretty difficult to buy ninja weapons at toy shops anymore. Its political correctness gone mad, nanny state gone bananas and anti-ninja laws gone bonkersarooni. I remember back in the day when you used to be able to pop down to your local Toys R Us and buy a playschool bath toy, followed […]

Busyness Time

Tonight I have, through mishap and stupidity, managed to not get three possible different gigs. Some due to cancellation, others due to me not thinking that the others may be cancelled. I’m a complete fool. Aha but who is the fool? The fool with the cancelled gigs or the fool who is really looking forward […]

Fire Escape? Not Likely

More bullet points today. Sorry blog fans. I’ve been a busy bee. My entire week has been spent gathering pollen for the queen and it takes up quite a bit of time. Bees are pretty bloody busy. I often wonder if the reason why they’re dying out is due to exhaustion. If only they had […]