Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

The Little Dog Barfed

Before I start this blog, I’d like to point out I am by no means experienced in the world of theatre criticism. I know this shocks many of you who automatically assumed a cat like me would be damn well experienced in everything from the ways of lady killing to plate spinning, but promptly supporting […]

Age and Wisdumb

Go shawty, its my birthday, go party like its my birthday etc etc. I am now officially older, and I would like to say that it is properly different being 29 to being 28. Really different. For a start I’ve grown 3ft taller and now am able to speak in fluent Italian and Spanish, as […]

Some Of My Favourite Things

Finally I can stop plugging THIS because its tonight and there’s little I can do to pull extra crowds in now. Instead today needs to be spent remembering the damn thing. I went through it yesterday and its nearly all there. However certain little gags and bits of wording appear to be lost forever. I’m […]

The Big Freeze

I like that this spell of cold weather is being called ‘The Big Freeze’. It sounds a bit like a book by Raymond Chandler. Perhaps one where Phillip Marlowe has to solve a problem of a diamond call the ‘Snowflake’, while someone’s bank account has been frozen and its winter. There is a reason why […]

Snow Business Like Snow Business Like Snow Business

I have, on several previous occasions on this here very blog, complained about the snow. This is usually because I have had to travel in it, or its not proper snow, just sludgy wet horror or because kids on my street are throwing snowballs with knives and bombs in them. Well today I don’t have […]

Arty Farty

I’ve started doing loads of drawing again, which I really enjoy. Ever since I was very tiny I’ve enjoyed doing art type things. You may say a starting point was when my mum walked into the living room one day to find I’d stuck all her sanitary towels to the wall. When she gasped in […]

Jogging the Memory

I was so planning to go jogging this morning. It was going to be step 1 in my ‘get healthy’ plan. Its not really a plan, more something I put in this blog and have said a few times to a few people until I myself would believe I. But that’s enough that meant I […]

Stockings for Cats? What’s that all about?

I had the most horrible dream about an epic scale zombie attack last night. Before I carry on, I’d like to point out that I am not one to witter on about dreams. I tend to have an automatic switch in my head that plays elevator music and drifts off when people engage me in […]

The Doctor vs Beyonce vs Someone from Hollyoaks vs Your Dad

I’m sitting on my sofa watching in sheer disgust, a program called Beyonce vs Rihanna. So far, neither of them have actually appeared live, let alone bludgeon each other to death with large weapons. If you call a show ‘something VS something’ then I expect violence. Instead they are showing their music videos while two […]

Start As You Mean To Go On

‘Start as you mean to go on’ is a phrase that people seem to continually use on the first day of a new year. Its a stupid phrase and doesn’t really apply to many things. For example a triathlon. If you started with swimming and then tried to swim through the cycling and running events, […]