Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

Undoing Things

I have decided that I am currently conducting an experiment to see if I can do so little with my time that I ‘undo’ things. Perhaps resulting in a creation of masses of negative energy which in turn could open up a tiny black hole which would then suck in all the excess fat I’ve […]

Risky Monopolising

Some say that the only way to find your true inner self is to go on some sort of namby pamby journey of self discovery, the kind that gap year students spend the rest of their lives boring people with. Others seek religion to do such things, assuming that their God whichever one or many […]

Round Two

My stomach and guts are having issues with me. Whilst I am really very happy with the vast amounts of booze and food I consumed yesterday, they are less pleased. Yet, what neither of them know, is that they will be subjected to the same level of destruction again today. Yeah! Take that guts! While […]

Merry Christmas!

Look its Christmas, so I’m not really going to blog. There is drinking and eating to do, so little time to write waffle and if I did it would all be writing waffle on what I’m going to eat and drink, which by the way, is loads. And forgetting my selfish nature you probably don’t […]

Christmas Eve Playlist

IT’S CHRISTMAS EVE! I typed that as though I was excited. I am a bit, but not loads mostly on account of being over 10 years old. Its also because I got given a present from Santa early yesterday. It was a massive spot on my forehead, bright red like a burning beacon to herald […]

Curiously Cinnamon

I’ve just finished all my Christmas shopping. It should have been finished yesterday but there was one person to buy for who was difficult. There is always one. Every year I nail all the present buying in a single shop based movement, only for one awkward individual to step up to system and catch me […]

Shop Til Everyone Else Drops

Today is the day I’ve been dreading for a long time. I knew it was coming and its been looming all year. Today, friends, I step forth and head to Westfield shopping centre in an insane attempt to get everyone’s Christmas presents. Thanks for you concerns. I feel there is nothing else I can do, […]

Shaking A Fist Mildly at the Machines

In the car on the way back from a lovely afternoon gig of fun at Christmas Huzzah in the Red Gate Gallery, myself, Sarah Benetto, James Dowdeswell and Tom Bell had turned Radio 1 up to full volume eagerly waiting to hear just who was Christmas number 1 this year. Its not something I’d ever […]

Dog Beer and Bus Death

I’m sure its a case of having a vivid imagination but last night’s journey home, and in fact most of the evening felt like a minor version of Final Destination. I like to persuade myself that by avoiding injury/insult/other things beginning with in, except insulin which I need, I build up that bad karma for […]

Leeds Greetings/ Leetings

Just a few thoughts today as blogging comes courtesy of my phone, which is, at the best of times, an irritating device to write a text on let alone an entire blog. There is much to say so tomorrow may be a mega one but until then: – despite what the advert suggests, Waitrose is […]