Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

Leeds Greetings/ Leetings

Just a few thoughts today as blogging comes courtesy of my phone, which is, at the best of times, an irritating device to write a text on let alone an entire blog. There is much to say so tomorrow may be a mega one but until then: – despite what the advert suggests, Waitrose is […]

Big Frosty Dickhouse

Its not snowy near my flat. I feel a little bit like I’ve been cheated by the weather. On the one hand, this is a good thing as I have to drive to Leeds today, and any snow mayhem would surely make such an adventure difficult. I say adventure, but until they put loop the […]


Today’s blog is a mostly visual one on account of me not having a lot to type about. Its odd but these last few days I have got large amounts of much needed work done, which has, as a consequence, affected blog abilities, tweeting, facebooking and any other activity that I usually revel in. I […]

Snow Joke

‘Ooh look its snowing’ says everyone this morning, which is both observational and correct. Its nice to know the country is not sitting in no windowed rooms staring at the TV all day. Without meaning to sound all miserable and that, I’d really rather the snow waited till next week to happen. Not for Christmas […]

I’m Going Slightly Mad

I’m sure everyone has those days when they have a small moment of clarity and express genuine concern about their own state of mental health. Today is my one of those days. It was only as I woke up and got out of bed that I realised I had spent the entirety of yesterday wearing […]


Today’s blog is split up into mini-blogs. This is because today’s blog arrives later than most and my brain has had time to wake up. Usually I write this blog as the first thing I do in the day. Admittedly that’s not until about 1pm, but still by that point in the morning (its still […]

Telly Hell

Proper blog today. Although it could easily be have been three paragraphs of me trying to figure out what random brain disease caused the British Comedy Awards to give Peter Kay the Oustanding Achievement in Comedy Award. I suppose it is an outstanding achievement that a man has released the same stand-up set on three […]

Blog Fail

My internets are broken. I can only assume one has a hole in or something. As a result there is no blog today. Easy cop out you might say but I’ll have you know my law enforcement team are not easy. It’s all because typing on my iPhone makes me angry, I’ve eaten a lot […]

The Myway Code

I’m sure sometimes many of you are driving along and you see a road sign and you think ‘well I haven’t looked at the highway code in many years, what does it mean?’ Well as an extensive driver myself, I have taken it upon myself to update you all in what some of those more […]

My New Favouritest Thing

This is a non-blog today, mostly because today is filled with other busy things, and I got up later than I meant to. I seem to have lost my iPod again and so have spent large amounts of time looking for it. For something so filled with music, its amazing it doesn’t make any noise […]