Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

Cat vs Tree

Current tree versus cat scores stand today at: Cats (aka Rosie and Bella): 8 baubles(four smashed, another four detached and lost for sometime before we could find them again) Tree: 1 (slightly disgruntled cat when bauble fell on her head as she knocked it off the tree) Its fair to say the cats are winning […]


It is international Pretend You’re A Time Traveller Day today, and as I am going to spend most of my day indoors writing, I won’t be able to run around pretending to be from a Dystopian future, nor would it be particularly sensible to host the whole of Fat Tuesday constantly screaming ‘WHAT YEAR IS […]

Today’s Outlook: Very Cloudy

I’ll be honest. Its a bit too early for me to blog. I don’t officially wake up for several hours which will make all the activities I’m meant to do this morning probably a tad shit. This is a shame as the entire reason I’m up this early is to do some fun stuff. Firstly […]

Anti-Fir Brigade

Thats it. I feel festive. I tried to resist as long as possible but a number of events yesterday have firmly secured that I feel all a bit Christmassy. This is probably appropriate around now especially as today is officially St Nicholas Day, which is when said saint goes round leaving little presents in children’s […]

Kids Say The Funniest Things And Then I Steal Those Things

Gotta go teach kids stand-up again today, which once again will involve me being all a bit sleepy while I get asked if I ‘eat poo’ or ‘ wash my face in scrambled egg’ or any other number of seemingly insane questions. I quite enjoy this bit as it just provides me with easy material […]

Friday Thoughts 2: The Return

My head doesn’t hurt as such but it has more made itself very clear exactly how heavy it is, and exactly how tired I am due to last night’s consumption of booze with Craine and Luurtsema. As penance for a lovely evening of wine, beer, whisky, nachos and some cakes that were better than expectation, […]

House Arrest The Game!

I’m trapped at home again today. I say trapped but its just that I have absolutely no reason to leave the indoors. My gig tonight has been cancelled, as was last night’s which was a massive shame as the audience consisted of 4 people and a dog. I’ve had gigs where dogs are in the […]


I blogged about music yesterday and I realised that I probably don’t blog about it enough. This is odd as I’m a very big music fan and if somebody threatened to take either comedy or music away from me, I would probably cope less well without music. Actually that’s crap. I wouldn’t cope if someone […]

Electro Swinging

I’ve decided I’m a fan of electro-swing. For those of you who are uninitiated in such things, it is not a type of futuristic playground ride, nor is it some sort of gangbanging with robots. Instead its a new music genre that has done that clever thing of being called after two music genres that […]

St Androoos Day

Happy Saint Andrews Day for any of you Scotch people what read this. Or if you are Scottish then it called St Androoos Day, I believe. I’m not really sure what St Andrew was famous for, apart from at some point being a fisherman. Technically if that’s all he’s famous for then I would suggest […]