Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

Zoo Story

How brilliant are baby monkeys? The answer, really very muchly brilliant. The one in question was only a month and a half old and was having a proper spak around its cage. Its mum was just casually holding its tale as a rudimentary leash to make sure it didn’t hurt itself, while she just sat […]


I rather like Moon. Not the moon, although it must be said, the moon has some good qualities to it. The tides and making the night slightly less dark, thats all good and well. Werewolves is the only bit that isn’t great. I mean if the moon didn’t exist then no-one would ever be able […]

Some Friday Thoughts….

Thought 1: My friend Mat texted me in distress two nights ago as he had ordered his food shopping online, only for it to be delivered to his door by someone who used to go to our school. That’s a hugely awkward situation. I have similarly had the same person deliver food to my house, […]

A Boot Of Tea

No time to blog Doctor Jones, as today I be quickly using Silky’s computer for such things. He needs to use it for many printing things for tonight’s gig so today’s blog will merely be to tell you that last night I drank tea from this boot shaped cup. Yes, yes, indeed, I win. Other […]

Not Chortling

This is a ranty, bitter blog. So sorry in advance. It is entirely my fault that its ranty and bitter and entirely to do with getting home last night, after having a couple of drinks, and then googling myself. Its something you’re not meant to do and certain stronger willed comics say they never have […]


Words escape me today, which is a shame as I have this blog to write as well as some new material for tonight and various other writing type things. I blame staying in bed too long. My bed is a small haven of warmth at the moment though and its very hard to leave. My […]

Under The Sea

Its a Monday, so have this: I did that ages ago but haven’t ever bothered to do more. At some point I will draw out the others ones I’ve written including the one where he tries to get cancer from a photocopier just to end the torment of his daily life. Is it obvious I […]

Completely Nuts

I slept in till about 1pm today. I feel a bit ashamed of this as I had planned to get up a bit earlier and do lots of stuff, but instead I went to see Tom and Nat after my gig last night, stayed until 4am and consequently have slept my day away like a […]

Angry Terrible Happy Things

I tend to come up with different non-gig things to write this blog about, and then such odd things happen at my gigs that its pretty hard not to talk about it. Last night was so laughably awful that I actually left feeling quite pleased with myself. Its odd when something like that happens and […]

Chicken Foul

We had some home shopping delivered this morning. Its not something me and Layla normally do, having the ability to carry things and legs and a car to drive to a supermarket with. I also quite like the active running around and selecting things to eat, then no doubt getting carried away and buying cereal […]