Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

The Future Sounds Like A Synthesizer

The title was my favourite quote from yesterday, heard on a Radio 2 documentary about Spandeux Ballet and said by Martin Kemp. I love the idea that back in the 80s there was the assumption that the future would sound like something replicating something else. I just hope to god that synthesizer is not set […]

TV Times

I did nothing when I got home yesterday except shoot people on Modern Warfare, see Layla and catch up on telly such as Doctor Who. I felt this was deserved after my marathon train journey that started with a man at Glasgow Central telling me I had to go to Queen Street for my train, […]

The Bare Cheek Of It

Last night, sitting in the Noodle Bar on Sauchiehall Street with Al Pitcher and Pat Monahan, a woman sat opposite us with her two friends. They had all staggered in, tripping over their own shoes and clutching on to each other with a desperation to get to some food before they collapsed in a heap […]

Man Will Heckle (Sort of)

When Simon Munnery got backstage at The Stand last night, he told us all of a man at the back of the room who was telling another man, someone he didn’t know, that he really wanted to heckle but didn’t know if he should. The other man was telling him that he never heckled and […]


Last day in Edinburgh today and I only have to achieve the simple aim of not eating chips. That’s my main target, as last night, I again fell foul to the 2am chips and cheese danger mix. Its some sort of subconscious need that after a really good gig, I have to ruin it all […]

Fear of the Anonymous

Forgive my paranoia but I have a small level of fear thanks to the comments posted on my Blogger page for yesterdays blog. The two comments left by Anonymous, who I assume is a Greek philosopher and the first sounds terrifyingly like they might be out to assassinate me on Saturday, and the second is […]

Trains are great. Cars are dicks.

Todays blog is from a train. This is brilliant because of lots of reasons. 1) Because its like an action blog. Normally I write in the comfort of somewhere nice and you know that apart from one of my cats trying to eat my socks I am generally left undisturbed to mind spew some typings […]

Death to the Idiots

I can’t work out why everyone’s so upset about the violence content in Modern Warfare 2? I only played it for about 2 hours last night and in that time I must’ve killed over 200 people including Brazillian drug lord banditos, snow troopers, snow troopers on bikes, snow troopers in a jeep, some people in […]

Whatever Happened To…..

I know many of you often read a blog and then think ‘Tiernan what ever happened to that thing you said in that blog that time?’ None of you ever say that or tell me directly, but I can just tell that you want nothing more than an update on blogs of days gone past. […]

Coffee Fuelled Celebrity Rage

I’ve had too much coffee and so have no idea how this blog will go. I’d planned various things to write about today but I’m already typing six times faster than I would normally and so it could all go horribly wrong. My eye is twitching and I’m scared that if I don’t start doing […]