Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

Friday Thoughts

Here are some thoughts for Friday: – I am home. I’m home for more than a few hours. This is brilliant. I can start to pretend I live here again instead of spending my life like some sort of service station enthusiast. I don’t know if those people exist, but I really hope they don’t, […]

High Tee-rnan

I’m paying £15 to use this ‘hi-speed’ internet and write this blog today, so I’m going to take my time with it. £15 is a lot of money for something that is generally free everywhere. I mean, its not free. People do pay for the webs, but £15 just so I can write abuse at […]

Cast Offs

I got up at 8am today just do I could trek into town and sit, shoe and sockless, in front of a casting director, pick my feet and look confused. I should be pretty good at that. I often pick my feet. From my favourite feet shop. Sorry. I couldn’t resist that one. Seriously though, […]

Hell Hotel

Oh God I’m tired. Stupidly stupidly tired. Yes the first part of tired inducing circumstances was my fault. I didn’t need to stay out drinking with Jim and local Wolverhampton peoples in a particularly empty Walkabout bar on a Monday night. I know that as you read back that sentence you will realise just how […]

What’s In A Name?

After a pretty awesome first show on the Jim Jeffries tour last night, various members of the audience very kindly came up to me to say they enjoyed my set. We had a chat and then they asked what my name was so they could look out for me. I said my name and it […]

Just a Link

Don’t have much time to blog today, and its far too early to blog but this is the only chance I’ll get, so, instead, here is a massive cop out and a link to something else: http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-18-most-hilarious-modes-of-transport/ There you go. Read that, enjoy and then go and read blogs from previous months if all else […]

Media Witchcraft

The National Media Museum in Bradford is an odd place. All shiny and new, it has some genuinely interesting exhibits about how TV works, with a blue screen area for you to film you and your friends, if you have any, walking with dinosaurs, jumping out of planes and then just reading the news if […]

Bin There, Done That

This blog is going to be super quick because I am getting lunch bought for me. Yes, that’s right, someone is willingly putting food in me. I like it when this happens. Little do they know what they are doing. As long as they don’t spill water on me or feed me after midnight its […]

Packing It In

Ha! I bet by the title you thought I was giving up comedy, eh? I bet some of you were crying and screaming about how first its Lily Allen and then the mighty Douieb. You were probably thinking how that this is the end for comedy forever and just about to give up on your […]


I’m pretty good at improvising me. Its what I tend to do most days. For example, I didn’t plan or script for me to get up at 11.30am today, then it was totally random and unpredictable that I had a toasted cheese sandwich for breakfast. Who would’ve seen that coming? Exactly. Mind blowing. In fact […]