Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

Grey Areas

I was woken up by the shitty grey cat being in our flat again this morning. I have decided that our cats need a cat flap with a front door key. That grey cat just wanders in as though he can and then antagonizes Rosie and Bella until they make a loud hissing noise and […]

World Without Men

I’m doing a rather unusual gig tonight. Unusual in the sense that its not a gig, its a science discussion, and also unusual in that its not normally the sort of thing I’d do, mainly because I haven’t got a clue about sciencey things. I used to. Back at school I was very into science, […]

Police Story

About 10 minutes down the A45 last night, Phil Nichol pointed out that whilst sitting in the back of the car, his head was really very cold. There was a small moment of realisation, combining many clues – people in the car park beeping us as we left, the fact I could see very clearly […]

Call of the Crazy Wolf Man

As myself, Layla and James (Hingley of website and Precious Little fame) got to the Victoria Line platform at Warren Street tube last night, we witnessed an extraordinary man. Slightly scruffy looking, with beard and indie style clothing, was a smallish man, swaying and howling and grunting in what appeared to be some sort of […]

My Sneakers Kept Squeaking

I’m not too easily embarrassed by such tiny irks that may upset others. If a bit of my hair is sticking up unnecessarily I will still brave the big bad world without sorting it out. Despite having the option to change a t-shirt when it has a stain on it, I have refrained from doing […]


Death death death. No one likes death do they? Except funeral directors. And those Americans who make the electric chairs. In fact without death both of those people would be completely out of work. That and the world would be really full of old people. Ultimately it would really help with things like history lessons […]

Face For Radio

I’ve already done a radio interview today which is pretty bloody productive for me by this time of day. Normally by now I’ve had two cups of tea, some toast, watched a bit of This Morning then shouted at Loose Women before quickly turning it off. Today however, I’ve done all of that and a […]

Self Imposed Blog Gag

This blog is not allowed to blog about the question it was going to blog about. Sadly I can’t report who it was going to be about, what the subject matter was or why I’ve been told I can’t blog about it. So as freedom of speech has been destroyed by to the extent where […]

Three Unwise Men

This blog was going to be about my dismay at yesterday’s poor attempt at a veggie roast. I had in my head about 15 complaints about the exact lack of effort that was put into throwing my poor selection of vegetables and two non-crispy roast spuds with an overly spongy Yorkshire pud onto my plate […]

Coventry, Squished People and Hardee

In two hours I’m going to have a roast. Thing is, I’m hungry right now. This is that terrible conundrum whereby if I eat now, then I won’t be hungry enough to eat all of the roast, and if I don’t eat now I’m going to complain about being hungry endlessly for the next two […]