Tiernan's Blog / Latest News


I’m starting to believe that cat hairs don’t necessarily come from cats. I’m almost certain they just appear from nowhere or perhaps grow on inanimate objects. Yesterday me and Layla spent a long time cleaning the flat, properly scrubbing and dusting and hoovering and all those things, and we found cat hairs in places we […]

Ye Old Blogge September 19th 1464

As today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day (see here for info: http://www.talklikeapirate.com/howto.html) , I thought rather than let you read my blog, why not dig up a blog from the archive of my ancestor Capt Doobeard the Grotty and post that up instead. So in honour of those salty sea dogs here’s an […]


This is not going to be much of a blog today. I’ve actually had some progress in writing other stuff and the last thing I need is to write this instead of that, while I’m currently on a writing flow. I’ll be honest, there is very little to say today as yesterday consisted of pacing […]

Writer’s Lack of Effort (and some crap about music)

I’m meant to write things today and so far I have done everything but write. Even this blog is happening two hours after I intended to write it because I really have been avoiding writing. I’ve only managed to convince myself to blog now by saying that this here is typing, not writing, and as […]

Plane and Simple

At Gatwick Airport yesterday there was a woman going through security with her husband, who, quite possibly, was one of the most stupid people I have ever overheard. I would hazard a guess that she was in her 60’s and spoke with an accent that meant she was no doubt at least upper middle to […]

Flashbacks from Edinburgh

I have to fly to Edinburgh in a couple of hours. It doesn’t feel quite right going back this soon after the festival. Its feels a bit like returning to the battlefield after having been flown out of there in the nick of time. I’m half expecting to see the legless remains of another comic […]


Just returned home from a meeting in the bar at the top of Centrepoint. I like meetings that happen in places like that. I didn’t really say much on account of me losing my voice once again, but I sat, listened, eat some chips that cost far more than they should and looked out the […]

No Blog Apologies

Apologies from the Isle of Wight…… Mr Douieb is otherwise engaged on festival business. Actual Tiernan shall resume blogging tomorrow. Posted by Layla on behalf of Tiernan……….commission?!


Tiernan is currently out of the office on festival business until very late on Sunday 13th September . He will not be answering any phone calls because he will pretend he has no reception even if he likes you. Chances are though he doesn’t like you because he is at a festival and will not […]

Off to Bestival

Oh god its early. Horribly early. Not for you. Or maybe you, but for me, getting up before double digits is not nice. Especially after a late night getting home from Brighton at 2am. I’ve woken in a sleepy stupor from my lovely comfortable bed and visited a clean bathroom for the last time till […]