Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

Stick A Fork In Me…..

Its my last day on the Costa Del Sol before flying back to the rain drenched UK where they don’t have beaches or the sea or any of those things. Instead all they have is rain and rain and some more rain. I have had all my allocated sun for the year and European law […]

Some facts about sand

I’ve learnt two new things about sand since being in Spain. One is that it gets bloody hot. Like really silly burn your feet hot. The second is that sometimes there are ruddy great rocks in it. Especially at the bit where the sand meets the sea and you can’t really see any of those […]

Nothing Doin’

Don’t have a lot to type about today. This is because I really haven’t done anything that could be seen in anyway as contribuiting to society. Unless it was discovered that the sun’s rays were too strong to be absorbed by the Earth and that people were needed to directly soak them up. In which […]

The Mist

Its a bit misty here this morning. Everyone is saying its fairly common and what always happens but I am getting the British panic that perhaps its the end of the sunshine and now the summer is over in Spain. I’m not used to it sticking around for quite so long. Its been really hot. […]

Death by Calzone

Its a bit bloody lovely in Spain. By writing any sort of blog I have to sit in a dark (albeit air conditioned) room completely devoid of sunlight, pool or all the other lovely things that are here. On the plus side this room is lacking in children shouting at me which is rather odd […]


This is a pre-written blog ‘cos I by the time I would normally be posting this blog I will either be in a) the air or b) my swimshorts and by a pool. It all depends on what time I would have bothered posting my blog on a normal day. It will most likely be […]

Inflatable Cocks

In just 20 hours I get to go on the first holiday I’ve had in nearly two years. Generally holidays are a sticky subject between myself and Layla as she only has school holidays in which she can go away, and unfortunately school holidays are prime gig season all year round. Ideally I should go […]

Prominent Jaw and Stinkleman

I hate PJ Harvey. Up until yesterday I was a fan of her music. She is playing Camp Bestival today and I was really weighing up the odds of staying at Camp Bestival to see her or not. I almost didn’t have a choice as I had to cancel my gig in Leeds because they […]

Camp Bestival

There is a Matt Reed in my house. He was staying in London and made to leave the flat very early, so instead of letting him wander the streets of Finsbury Park by himself we have taken him in, given him tea, and hidden the valuables. The morning is to be spent watching Jeremy Kyle […]

Death of the Mullet

I’ve got to go and get my haircut in a minute. I’ve been needing a chop and a snip for sometime now, but have been trying to leave it as close to going away as possible as I know I won’t be able to get it cut in Spain or Scotland. They don’t have barbers […]