Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

Diary of a Survivor (or Tiernan vs The Hyena part 2)

They said we wouldn’t make it. There were times when I thought so too. Three men, more hens than a Chicken Cottage warehouse, a broken boiler and the hard streets of Newcastle. Essentially the odds were against us. And they were odds. Some of them in fancy dress – using ridiculous head garb and name […]

Tiernan vs The Hyena Audience part 1

Second attempt at blog writing today. First was from my iPhone. The amazing iPhone that can do everything except save my blog on it. I spent 30 minutes giving the forefinger on my right hand RSI just so the tPhone could tell me to get bent and erase it all. To be fair I don’t […]


This is my second attempt at being awake today. My first was at 7am when I opened my eyes to see Layla’s 5 year old nephew Angus waving his Nintendo DS at me and shouting ‘Play Lego Star Wars!’ Its not the ideal way to wake up. What’s worse is that I had planned for […]

Squash Kings

Its amazing how days that seem like they’re going quite well, can, within the first 10 minutes, go very wrong. I woke up about 15 minutes ago. Ten minutes after that I received a voicemail asking where I was. It was only then my brain clicked that I was meant to be in a meeting […]

Music Man

I slept a lot. I’m not sure what the point is where a sleep becomes a coma, but I think I was borderline between the two. Not sure why I slept that much, but I guess, as people always say, I probably needed it. I’m sure that’s balls but it makes wasting away the whole […]

Good Impression(s)

I’ve eaten a whole small pot of Saint Agur Creamy Blue Cheese in just two days flat. I’m sure this is not good for anyone but I have find myself unwittingly addicted to it. I never used to like blue cheese. Something to do with the fact that I throw other mouldy foods away and […]

3 Minutes

Got to do the best 3 minutes of my Edinburgh show for the Chortle Fast Fringe Show tonight. 3 minutes is a rather short amount of time. They say that an audience knows whether they like you or not within the first 30 seconds of stage time, which may well be true. So possibly three […]

Energy Saving

Do you know what I’m doing today? NOTHING! You hear me? Nothing at all. Absolutely zilch. I mean, not actually nothing, because that would be impossible. I will still be doing some breathing, sitting and eating and those are technically doing things. If you look at it like that, it is actually very difficult have […]

The Unfortunately Universal

I hate people. More and more in older age things happen that make me really despise other members of the public. Take last night’s gig for example. There were all the usual reasons that I hate other people at festivals. 1) The fact that no one can ever stand still when watching a band and […]

All a Bit of a Blur

I’m going to see Blur today. That’s really all that matters. In fact I’d be quite happy to leave the blog there before going away to gloat about the rest of my day. I’m properly excited. Not to the level I might wee myself though. Some people use that as an indicator of excitement. I […]