Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

Tonight, Not Appearing at The Bloomsbury Theatre Is…

Another slightly rushed blog I’m afraid today. I have an audition in a few hours that I spent most of last night writing for and should probably still be writing on now but I’m dong this instead. If it appears I don’t have enough material I might just read this out and then show them […]

Inappropriate Timing

Received my tickets this morning to go and see Blur in July. I am a little bit ridiculously excited about it. To be completely honest, I’m not sure what I’m more excited about, whether its seeing Blur live for the first time in years singing all the songs I bloody love, or whether its seeing […]

Crossbows and Catapults

Gotta work on my show for tonight so this blog shall be brief today. It’s going to take some time to work out what all the words are now they have been doodled into a series of animals and fuzzy snakes. I should have realised this would ultimately cause me more work when I was […]

Uncle Brian’s Trousers

I’ve only just got up. You know why? Because I went out till late. Yeah that’s right. I did what them youngsters do and went to a club where they played music and then I danced a bit and I had two whole beers. Two beers that’s right. I’m such a maverick. Then I came […]

Wagamama’s Must Fall

Writing towards my Edinburgh show has slowed somewhat since Game Day. Not sure if its the influence of zombie attacks or simply because I’m being a lazy bastard, but yesterdays efforts simply involved me drawing squiggly lines around all the bits that I thought didn’t work very well. Instead of amending any of these bits […]

Zombie Jamboree

I wasn’t sure if I’d make it, and it was a pretty close call at times, but I managed to survive 8 hours of solidly playing Resident Evil 5 and drinking vast tonnes of caffeine. We showed those zombies who was boss. And as some sort of a reward I had lots of scary screwed […]

Game Day

Today is what me and my friend Mat have been referring to as ‘Game Day’. Despite the title its not a day where we shoot pheasant, or get involved in the West Baltimore drugs system. Instead its a day where after work, Mat comes round and all we do for hours is play games. Layla […]


Still haven’t got swine flu yet. I’d have assumed that by now I should probably have it, being a pandemic and all. I think a lot of people assumed that and yet only 27 lucky people have it. They’ve been all selfish and kept it to themselves, locking themselves away so they can get all […]

The Day of Days

Do the banks really deserve a holiday today? Don’t get me wrong, I think everyone else should, but in light of recent screw ups the last people to be taking time off should be the financial sector. If anything they should be working even harder and sorting things out. Perhaps doing fundraisers to work off […]

Evil and Lovely

Layla and me have promised to each other not to do any work today, so this blog shall be short-ish. Not that I do any work most days, but its nice to not even pretend to do work and procrastinate. Technically no procrastination will happen today as I’m not attempting to do anything in the […]