Tiernan's Blog / Latest News

Star Treatment

No gigs today and for a very good reason too. Well its not a very good reason, its because no one would give me a gig. But I’ve turned that frown upside down (as I typed that I felt sick at myself. Sorry) because I’m going to see the Yeah Yeah Yeahs at Shepherds Bush […]

Crawling and Begging

Just a quick blog today. Have to race off and host the Camden Crawl this afternoon before then heading to Bedford for a gig there. It shall be a busy day and one that contains a rather mental afternoon. I’m really not sure what to expect. I can only assume its called the Camden Crawl […]

Its A Long Way To Glastonbury, Its a Long Way To Go

I appear to have a slight mental block for remembering just how far away certain places are. I have driven to Glastonbury before and it took ages. I mean, really ages. Think of a long time. Its longer than that. So oddly when I was rung up to do a gig there again run by […]

Empty Spaces

There was a guy at my school called Little Marlon. He was mostly called this because his name was Marlon and there was a bigger Marlon, and also a more medium height Marlon at the school too. Little Marlon was a fairly cool bloke and had one phrase in particular that I still hold as […]

Local Loon Congregation

There are a number of local weirdos near where I live. Normally they have different peaks times for appearances. My favourite, the woman who sings and dances to her 80’s Walkman with a variety of costumes that change daily is there from lunchtime to late afternoon. The men who look suspiciously like The Greek and […]

To Sleep Perchance To Sleep A Bit More

I don’t understand why, when you oversleep, you feel more tired than you did before. Surely, using the idea of potential energy, I should be able to wake up with full liveliness and now stay awake for extra long. Using the same theory I could sleep through most of May and then stay awake all […]

Return to Cov

I had a small celebration at about 10.20ish last night as we pulled away from my gig in Coventry, and that was that I wouldn’t have to be returning to Coventry for quite some time. I almost did a dance in the car, although it would have meant I’d have crashed into the central reservation […]

Crocodiles, Cowboys, and Pilots

I had agreed to help out with the Comedy 4 Kids workshop this morning at the Soho Theatre, which meant an earlier start than usual. I used to be great at mornings, back in them days of old where I pretended to do a proper job and everything. Back then I would wake up at […]


Loads and loads of stuff to do today. None of it is remotely fun. With the best intentions I stayed up really late last night thinking maybe I could get some of it done then, but instead felt too tired, chatted to people on Facebook and consequently stayed up even later in a semi-awake state […]

Night of the Dead Living

God its horrible when it rains isn’t it? Its not so bad, when its rains for a few months. Then you get used to the backs of your jeans getting soaking and your jacket smelling a bit like you’ve put a wash on and not hung it out for 7 years. Then when rains for […]