Parody Boris Johnson Podcast July 29th, 2021

I’m on the very funny Parody Boris Johnson podcast this week answering some excellent comedy Qs from the Parody PM himself. Have a listen: https://pod.fo/e/dc94a

Comedy Arcade Podcast October 16th, 2020

Had a lot of fun recording the first episode of Vix Leyton’s very fun podcast Comedy Arcade with Thom Tuck and Esyllt Sears. You can have a listen here and I’ll be in a future episode too!

Damned Andrew September 22nd, 2020

I’m doing a bit of reading in Andrew O’Neill’s online read-through of a sitcom script that he wrote. It’s this Thursday the 24th at 9pm and as Andrew is very funny, it’s highly likely the script will be too. So tune in. Here’s the link and that: https://www.facebook.com/events/323232738900642/

The First Take Club September 3rd, 2020

Chuffed to have this little piece in Empire Magazine about watching Old Boy for the first time (the original not the ‘Josh Brolin isn’t Thanos so what’s the point?’ remake). You’ll have to buy it to read the whole thing, obvs but here is a sneak peek of the first few words and then a […]

Partly Political Broadcast returns! September 1st, 2020

The podcast has returned after its short summer break. First ep back is gags on all the politics of the past few weeks, plus a chat with assistant headteacher and former DfE advisor Caroline Spalding about the schools returning. Have a listen, share and subscribe at this here link: https://www.podfollow.com/partly-political-broadcast

Dungeons and Leopards August 31st, 2020

Thoroughly enjoyed playing D&D (sort of) for the first time for Dungeons And Leopards on Twitch with James Ross, Harriet Braine, Autumn Jarvis and Anil Godigamuwe. Also thrilled to have fan art made of my character (thanks to @thebookofmac on Twitter). You can still watch the whole thing here if you fancy it: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/726354350  

FFS Lockdown August 28th, 2020

I had a lovely chat with Jamie at Fringe Festival Support, all about my general levels of despairing during lockdown and after. FFS do lots of work looking into the mental health of performers, so warning: Some stuff I talk about is a tad bleak.

This week’s tweet entries in The Poke August 26th, 2020

I occasionally get some of my gags on Twitter in the very fun website The Poke and then usually forget to share it when I do. Starting with this week, and whenever I can remember, I’ll pop the links on here should you fancy a laugh/polite smirk/abject wailing. Here are this week’s:   1. Boris […]

Fringeless August 20th, 2020

  I did a little blog about going up to Edinburgh when the Fringe isn’t on, how comedy is still a mess and the general state of things. It does also have some stuff about telling jokes to seagulls though, so not all bad. Do have a read: https://medium.com/@TiernanDouieb/fringeless-70bfa5449fcd 

A Complete Waste Of Time October 1st, 2017

I’ve barely left the flat today. I would like to say I consider this a success. The weather outside is, I would say, unhappy. It’s not terrible and angry and full of rain and bluster and thunder. It’s just grey, drizzly and generally not keen to be out of bed on a Sunday and so […]