‘How dare all these refugees want to come over here and escape their terrifying war torn situations? I’ve been watching the reports on the news and I am disgusted that we are even beginning to let any of these other human beings shore up in the UK, instead of pushing them into the sea or […]
TAGGED WITH: immigrants, refugees, refugeeswelcome, satire, Syria, tiernan douieb, war CATEGORISED BY:Blog Europe News Absolutely Nothing March 3rd, 2014 by Tiernan DouiebAccording to much of the press reports on the situation in the Ukraine, World War Three is looming. Or another Cold War, depending on what you read. Russia is refusing to back out of Crimea and as a result breaking tons of UN sanctions and the Budapest Memorandum of Security Assurances. As I type this, […]
TAGGED WITH: Jared Leto, Leonardo Di Caprio, media, Oscars, Paralympics, Russia, Sochi, Syria, tiernan douieb, twitter, Ukraine, war, World War Three CATEGORISED BY:Blog Boy Who Cried Wolf Comedy Crimea News